Chapter 2

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Thomas' POV

I was stood by the fountain, talking with my mates when I saw him.


It was the only suitable word to describe him. He had feather-like, blonde hair and although the fringe had quiffed upwards slightly, it somehow looked natural. His eyes, so dark and mysterious. Pale, soft skin and the perfect pair of thin lips. You'd think that he was an innocent person, that is, until you looked further.

Tattoos. A whole bunch of them. He had big ones, small ones, dark ones and vibrant ones. Some held pure emotions, others looked like drunken mistakes. Though, I obviously didn't know the full story behind them all. Two round studs were placed in his right eyebrow, along with a silver lip ring and small, white ear stretchers. I was normally put off by this amount of body piercings and tattoos, but for some reason it only intrigued me more.

By the looks of it, most of his tattoos were hidden by his slim fitting, leather jacket. Silver studs lined the edges of the smooth material, the zipper only done up halfway, showing off his skin-tight, white t-shirt.

A pair of dark sunglasses hung loosely in the grip of his fingertips, swaying with each step that he took.

That was when he looked up, his cheeks tinted red as our eyes met. My heart seemed to stop, the world around us slowing down as I seemed to gaze into his soul. But just as quickly as it had started, it was over. He pulled his eyes away, head shooting down as he tried to look casual. I felt cold and alone without his eyes looking back at mine, it felt as though something important had been ripped away from me, and I wanted it back.

"Hey dude, what are you looking at?" I heard Scott ask. Scott was my first friend in this place. I had only just started at this school and to start with, I didn't know anybody, but now it seems as though everybody knows me. It probably helped that I hung round with the 'popular' crowd and was now an essential member of the soccer team. However, I ignored him, my focus still on the boy walking past. That was, until I felt a light smack on my shoulder.

"What? Oh, umm . . . n-nothing . . . " I stuttered, dragging my eyes away from the boy as I turned to face the rest of the group again.

"Yeah, right! Do you know that kid or something?" Scott continued to push, the others all becoming increasingly curious.

"Him? No!" I laughed throwing a last glance in the mysterious boy's direction. I tried my best to keep my cool, though I could already feel my cheeks beginning to heat up. "Dude, are you serious!"

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see the boy carry on down the corridor, his attention fully focused on his sneakers. His shoulders seemed slumped, his mood totally different to what it had seemed like earlier.

"Dude, who is that kid?" I asked, watching him as he walked out of the doors that lead to the schoolyard.

"That's Newt. The most popular 'bad boy' in school." Scott explained, scoffing at his words, "He smokes, drinks, has tattoos, piercings . . . everything . . . Stay away from him, yeah? We don't need any trouble from him and his mates."

"What do you mean any trouble?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Mate, our groups don't mix. The jocks and the punks . . . It just doesn't go well. It never has, and it never will. They will always be our enemies."

"Why? What did they do?"

"It was him. Last year, our old soccer captain had a girlfriend. She was beautiful. The most popular girl in school. But then one day, he arrived at her house to take her on a surprise date, when he walked in on Newt and her fucking. Right there, in the middle of the living-room! Ever since then, none of us have talked to him or any of his mates. They mean trouble, Thomas. Stay away." Scott warned.

I didn't fully trust that Scott had the whole story, or that it was one-hundred percent correct, but he was my friend and I had to take his word for it.

For now, at least.

Second chapter! 🙈🙉🙊

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