Chapter 17

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Hey! I'm back! I really hope you all enjoy this chapter :)

Shout out to shipsforlife3 for being an amazing person and also giving me the motivation to write :) Seriously, thanks ❤

IMPORTANT: Please read the Author's Note at the end!!! x

Thomas' POV

Me and Scott were walking down the corridor, a few people walking by, on our way out of the building. It was a Thursday evening and we had just finished soccer practice. My bag was slung over my left shoulder, stuffed with my school books and today's clothes. I couldn't be bothered changing out of my soccer kit; I was off straight home anyway.

The chill, fresh air hit us as we stepped out of the school. It was dark now, few people walking the streets. As we walked past Newt's street, I glanced down, contemplating whether I should surprise him. But Scott continued walking, me following besides him without a choice, as he started talking about some girl he met the other day.

We eventually arrived by Scott's street, both of us turning down it. My house was at least another half an hours walk from Scott's, and I couldn't be bothered to walk so far. But at the same time, I really didn't fancy spending the night at Scott's.

"See you at tomorrow's match, yeah? Get some sleep tonight, we don't need you falling asleep on the pitch again!" he laughed as he unlocked his door, stepping inside his house. I just nodded my head, waving goodbye to him before continuing on my way down his street.

As I was about to cross the road, a thought came to mind. I didn't have to go home yet, I could still go to Newt's for a bit. I hastily turned around, hopping up the kerb again and making my way down a side-street that lead to his street.

* * *

When I rang on the doorbell, I heard footsteps running down the stairs and somebody fiddling around with the lock before the door was ripped open.

"T-Thomas? What're you doing here?" Newt asked, as he ran a large hand through his disheveled, blonde hair. His thick British accent sounds tired and rugged as he spoke.

"Thought I'd come and surprise you." I smirked, stepping closer to him. Our lips were merely inches apart, his breath hitting my face sending tingles through my body. Just as he leant in, I turned my head, strolling teasingly past him, "Well, that and I couldn't be bothered walking home."

I laughed as I heard a soft moan behind me, the door being shut before Newt followed me into the living-room. I was sprawled over the old couch, my bag abandoned over by the door and my muddy sneakers left at the foot of the couch.

"Seriously, Tommy, could you not be so messy!" Newt laughed, kicking a sneaker out of his way as he flopped down besides me.

"You know you love me really." I said, winking as I leant closer to him. Newt simply rolled his eyes, lifting his head and finally connecting our lips. He gently rolled his tongue over my bottom lip and I was about to give him entrance to my mouth when he pulled away. I whimpered, but he ignored me, resting his forehead against my sweaty one.

"That, I do . . . " he whispered, his brown eyes staring deep into my own.

As he stood up, I pouted, my wide eyes staring longingly up at him, but he just pretended not to notice, walking out of the room and into the kitchen. Huffing, I dragged myself after him, leaning against the counter and watching him. His top had lifted up slightly, revealing pale, perfect skin and well-defined abs as he rummaged through the cupboards.

"See something you like?" Newt smirked, stepping down and leaning close to me.

"Mmm . . . many things." I growled, running my fingers down his chest, bringing my face closer to his every second. Without warning, he roughly pressed our lips together, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling my body against his.

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