Chapter 6

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Thomas' POV

"Nope, nope, nope . . . nope . . . ARGH!" I muttered to myself, tops and jeans being flung over my shoulder as I rummaged through my closet in the hopes of finding something decent to wear tonight.

Reds, blues, greens and blacks flew by, landing on the already untidy floor of my bedroom.

"ARGH! Oh my God!" I screamed, almost hitting the closet door in anger.

"Thomas, are you alright up there?" my mum asked, her voice cascading up the stairs.

"Yeah!" I shouted back, taking a deep breath as I went back to finding an outfit.

I eventually decided upon black skinny jeans and a USA flag tank top, throwing them on and rushing out of my room without giving it a second glance. I practically flew down the stairs, jumping the bottom few and grabbing my black converse off of the shoe rack near the front door. I could sense my mum watching every move I made as she stood silently by the kitchen doorway.

"Off anywhere nice?" she asked after a minute.

"Mmm . . . " I hummed in reply, busy tying my shoelaces up.

"Are you off out with that Scott boy?" she continued pressing, curious about who I was hanging out with. I guess it was understandable; she was only being a protective mother. I mean, we have only just moved into this town a few weeks ago.

"Yeah." I replied, slipping an overworn, black beanie on my head, hiding my messy locks of hair and shoving my car keys into my jean pockets. I quickly planted a kiss on my mum's cheek before rushing out of the front door, praying to God that I wouldn't turn up to Newt's late.

* * *

Newt's POV

The doorbell rang whilst I was upstairs finishing getting dressed.

"One minute!" I shouted from my bedroom, quickly slipping my feet into a pair of white Adidas trainers.

Once I was downstairs, I could make out a blurry outline of a person stood in front of the door through the small window.

"Hey." Thomas breathed out, a small smile forming on his lips after I opened the door.

"Hey . . . " I replied, losing myself in his perfect eyes.

"Sh-Shall we go?" he asked, gesturing to his car nervously.

I nodded my head, following him as he walked round to the driver's side. My heart was beating almost twice its normal rate, and I wouldn't have been surprised if Thomas could hear it from where he was stood. This wasn't a regular thing for me - I was used to going out with my usual crowd of friends not some new guy.

"Any particular radio station?" Thomas asked as we buckled into his car. It was a posh-looking car: a bright yellow with black stripes; a convertible roof; leather black seats and brand new surfaces inside. I liked it.

"Nah, 'm not fussed." I said, running my hand over the spotless dashboard.

"It's new. A Christmas present from my dad." he said, noticing my admiration.

"I like it."

"Thanks." A small smile appeared on his face as he said that before he fell silent, his concentration now on the road.

"And I love the way you hurt me. It's irresistible . . . woah-oh-oh-oh-oh . . . woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh yeah . . ." played in the background. I could see Thomas nodding his head to the song, clearly knowing it well.

"I didn't think you'd like this sort of music." I stated, watching as he turned his gaze away from the road to look at me.

"Why not? What sort of songs did you think I'd listen to?" he asked, slightly amused by my statement.

"Dunno . . . Drake, Ed Sheeran . . . all the popular stuff that you lot listen to."

"Us lot?"

"Yeah, you and all of you soccer mates."

Thomas laughed at that, moving his gaze back to the road.

"Oh, so now you judge people's personal taste on who they hang around with?" he asked.

"No! That's not what I was saying!" I argued back, though we both knew that it was.

"Right, so I guess you listen to Green Day and Nirvana?" he replied, a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth.


"Oh . . . I just assumed because of how you look, you know." he sassed, the smirk growing wider with each second passing.

"Shut up!" I laughed, nudging him lightly. "Where are we going, anyway? I hope you're not planning on dumping me in the middle of nowhere!"

"You'll just have to wait and see." he laughed, before whispering quietly to himself, "Besides, I'd never do that . . ."

* * *

"Where the hell are we?" I asked as we both stepped out of the car. By the looks of it, we were on the top of a cliff.

"This . . . is my favourite place." he said, walking 'round the front of the car to join me. "I found it one day and I love it. The view here is amazing and there's nobody around for miles. I come here to relax and forget the stresses of everyday life." he told me, leading me over to the edge of the cliff.

"Wow . . . " I breathed out as I took in the view. We were high up, higher than I think I've ever been. Lights of the city below illuminated the black night's sky. The low hum of city life could be heard faintly from below, echoing up the side of the cliff.

"I know . . . " Thomas whispered, his hand brushing against mine. "Come, sit." he suddenly said, sitting down on the dry grass below our feet and dragging me down after him. I landed besides him, his hand still grasping mine as we watched over the city.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"What do you mean?" he replied, his focus not on me.

"Why did you bring me here, to your secret place, when you barely know me?"

"Newt . . . you don't understand . . . " he whispered, finally drawing his eyes to look at mine.

"What don't I understand?" I asked, my voice mirroring his. My heart was beating faster again, my breathing unsteady as I awaited his reply. I'd never felt this nervous before. Why did I feel like this?

"I like you. I like you a lot, Newt."

"Bu-" I started before I was cut off by a finger being placed against my lips. I saw Thomas leaning in slowly, and without realising it I began to do the same thing. Our faces were so close to each other, we were practically breathing the same air. His warm, chocolate eyes were even more beautiful up close. Specks of green and silver lined the edges, sparkling in the low light. I watched as he closed his eyes, bringing our faces even closer, when suddenly a car shot passed on the road nearby, the bright yellow headlights shining into our faces, before it was gone leaving just us.

I shot back, confusion and disappointment in my chest as I saw Thomas do the same, shock showing on his face. We didn't speak after that, and eventually got back in the car to go home.

As I walked through my front door, the hum of Thomas' car driving away in the background, I wondered what would have happened if that car hadn't gone past at the time it did.

Sorry, this was bad :/

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