Chapter 5

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Thomas' POV

The following week was pure torture for me. Everyday I saw Newt walk by, and everyday he would look over at me but he would never say anything. I'd walk passed him in the corridors, and our hands would brush against each other's, but we would still ignore each other.

Part of me hoped that he would say something. I wanted him to grab my hand, stopping me from walking by. But I knew that couldn't happen.

"Mate, what's with you?" Scott asked once the teacher's back was turned.

"Nothing." I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders. I looked down at the desk, trying to copy what was written on the board, though I wasn't bothered since I didn't understand any of it. It was just an excuse to not have to talk to anybody.

Scott was my best mate, granted that, but he was beginning to annoy me. Everyday he asks me what's wrong and I can't tell him! If I told him that I might like Newt, like like him, then he would just laugh at me. Or even worse, he would hate me. He'd tell me exactly what I've been fearing, the exact reason I haven't talked to Newt since that English lesson - me and him can't be together.

* * *

Newt's POV

It was when I was walking through the park that it happened . . .

"Hey, Newt! Wait up!" came a call from behind me. I instantly recognized the voice, freezing in shock. "I-I needed to talk to you." he panted as he slowed down besides me.

"Why? What could you possibly have to say to me, Thomas?" I snapped, unintentionally becoming defensive. Something flashed in his eyes as I said that, and I saw him hesitate before he spoke again.

"I . . . I was . . . I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out sometime?" he said, though it came out sounding more like a question than a statement.

"Oh, and you think I'd want to do that because . . . ?" I retorted, ignoring the fact that he had just asked me to spend more time with him.

Thomas bent his head down in shame, taking a deep breath before replying.

"Well, it's complicated, Newt . . . " he said, slowly bringing his eyes back up, locking them with mine. "I-I really wanted to, trust me, but I couldn't. You're different from me, and . . . well . . . "

"Well what?"

"You're a mystery, Newt. I don't know you - I don't know why I want to know you. I'm intrigued by you. When we got paired up in that lesson the other week, I was surprisingly excited. I thought that you were a pretty decent guy, minus the fact that you kicked off with me near the end." he laughed before turning serious again, "Look . . . I guess what I'm trying to say, is I actually like you, Newt, regardless of what others say. And I want to get to know you more, if you'll let me."

I didn't know what to say, I was just so shocked. Nobody had ever come up to me and told me that, especially not a new kid. Especially not a jock!


I shook my head, bringing myself back to reality.

"Sure . . . I'd like that too." I replied, my voice surprisingly softer than usual.

So . . . woo! Newtmas is beginning! XD

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