Chapter 10

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Thomas' POV

English. Again.

I was sat in my usual seat, drawing random doodles on the page in front of me when I heard the teacher calling my name. I looked up, wondering what she'd said, when Scott nudged me.

"Mate, good luck." he whispered.

"What?" I asked curiously as I heard the teacher listing off various other names.

"You're with that Newt kid again. Remember what happened last time?" he explained.

"Oh . . . " I said trying to mask my excitement, "Eh, it'll be fine."

"Just be careful, alright? Don't want him hurting you or anything." Scott warned before going back to his work.

I smirked, shoving my stuff into my bag as I got up and walked over to the back of the class to join Newt.

"Hey, fancy seeing you here." Newt laughed, leaning back in his chair.

I smiled, pulling out the chair besides him.

"Uh, what do you think you're doing?" he asked, his face trying to hide a giant smirk.

"Sitting down." I replied, deadpanned.

He shook his head, keeping a hand on the chair, stopping me from sitting in it.

"Sorry, you can't."

"Oh really? And why's that?" I asked, a small laugh slipping out.

"It's reserved for somebody very special." he replied, his serious eyes staring into mine.

"Tell me more . . . "

"Well, they are absolutely beautiful. They've got the most perfect eyes that sparkle when they smile. They have the softest lips that I may or may not be addicted to and the fluffiest hair that I love to run my fingers through. I think I might actually love them . . . " he explained, not a single hint of amusement in him. He was being completely serious.

I stood there, shocked, for a minute until he moved his hand off of the chair and went back to his phone as though nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. That was when I brought myself out of my thoughts, shaking my head in disbelief as I sat down besides him.

"D-Did you mean that?" I asked, my voice a low whisper.

He didn't reply, only sliding his hand down the gap between our chairs as he laced our fingers together.

* * *

Minho's POV

I watched from the table next to them as the two of them chatted casually with each other like it was something that happened every day. We were the only tables by the back of the classroom so nobody else witnessed this unlikely event.

" . . . I think I might actually love them . . . " I heard Newt whisper as he moved his hand off of the chair. I watched as Thomas overcame the shock of the words that had just made their way out of Newt's mouth, slowly sitting down in the chair. I wonder who Newt was talking about. He hadn't loved somebody for a while, so whoever it was, they must be pretty special.

Thomas leant over and whispered something in Newt's ear that I couldn't make out, though Newt didn't answer. Instead, I saw him slide his hand down to meet Thomas', their fingers lacing together like they were made for each other.

I was in shock. Disbelief. What were they doing?

Throughout the rest of the lesson, I continued to watch the two of them flirting with each other, my head still struggling to get around it.

"Ha, what are you gonna do about it, Newtie?" Thomas laughed.

"Oh, you don't want to know what I'll do to you . . . " Newt whispered, his low, rough voice barely audible.

Thomas seemed to fight back shivers as he struggled to keep himself calm and collected.

"Pfft . . . don't try that on with me! It won't work." Thomas declared. Newt laughed, his voice echoing through the room, catching the attention of a few others as it did. The two of them quickly looked down, embarrassed, acting as casual as possible as they 'discussed' the work set.

"You two better be behaving back there." the teacher warned, looking up from her computer.

"Oh, we are, don't you worry." Newt smirked, fighting off another laugh as Thomas kicked him in the leg. He seemed like a totally different person to the Newt I knew. But, as much as I hated to admit it, they went well together . . . strangely.

* * *

3rd Person POV

"Newt! Shut it!" Thomas whisper-shouted, kicking Newt from under the table.

"Oi!" Newt laughed, resting his hand on Thomas' knee. "What are we even supposed to be doing?"

"Dunno . . . work? I would have known if you weren't constantly distracting me!"

"Oh shut up, you love it really." he teased, slowly sliding his hand up Thomas' thigh, causing the younger boy to squirm in his seat.

This carried on throughout the remaining part of the lesson, the two of them joking and teasing each other, ignoring what everyone else thought as they enjoyed the moment.

As the bell rang signalling the end of the lesson, the two slumped in their seats not wanting to have to go to next lesson.

"Hey, I'll see you later, yeah?" Thomas asked as he watched Scott making his way over.

"Yeah . . . " Newt replied, distracting himself by packing his bag, "Wait, Thomas!"

Thomas looked around, stopping in his tracks. He nervously glanced in Scott's direction, seeing him waiting for him. Scott would be wondering what he was doing if he took any longer.

"Yeah? What?"

"Do you, maybe want to come round to my house tonight?" Newt asked, his confidence faltering slightly, "I have movies and snacks."

Thomas smiled, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he began walking away again.

"Sure! I'll look forward to it!"


PS. If it isn't obvious already, I'm trying to show the effect that Thomas is having on Newt, for example, his softer, more caring personality is coming through that nobody else has managed to reach. I hope it's not just sounding stupid when you're reading these chapters :/

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