Chapter 22

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Ugh school is already killing me! On the plus side, it's almost my birthday!

Newt's POV

The bell rang, signalling the start of lunch. Students swarmed passed me, all eager to get out of class.

I waited until everyone had gone until I left the classroom, the teacher too busy with paperwork to notice that I was even there. I'd been thinking over what Scott had said earlier and I decided that it was worth a try, the least I could do was listen to what Thomas had to say.

* * *

3rd Person POV 

Newt walked into the crowded canteen, his eyes searching the sea of faces for the only one that could make his heart skip a beat. Taking a deep breath, he strolled over to Thomas' table, not bothered that all of his mates were sat around him. This was about Thomas. Not his reputation. 

Newt arrived by the table, though Thomas wasn't facing him. Those that were all gave him confused looks, well, not Scott. Scott sent a small, sincere smile in Newt's direction, nodding his head in encouragement. 

Newt saw Thomas, sat slumped over his tray of food, though he hadn't taken a single bite. For a moment, Newt forgot the anger that Thomas had caused him, he forgot what Thomas had done, because he saw how genuinely depressed Thomas looked and his heart broke.

Taking a step closer, Newt placed a hand on Thomas' shoulder. The younger boy tensed under his touch, not knowing who was behind him. But then he relaxed, taking in the familiar scent that now surrounded him. Not moving, not making a sound, Thomas sat still, waiting. Curious.

Newt leant down, not removing his hand as his warm breath hit Thomas' soft, brown hair. Thomas shivered at the feeling, turning around in his seat to face Newt.

Their eyes locked on each others', forgetting about everything as they stared at each other. They were oblivious to their surroundings as Newt leant down further, brushing his lips against Thomas'. Thomas couldn't wait any longer, forcefully pressing his own lips on Newt's, their eyes closing as they savoured this moment. Newt never thought there would come a day when he could say that he had genuinely missed somebody else's lips or craved their touch.

The kiss grew needier, Thomas gradually rising from his seat and wrapping his arms around the older boy's neck as their lips moved in perfect sync. Everyone in the canteen turned to see the scene unfolding in front of their eyes. Some surprised, some disgusted, others just plain confused.

Lips locked, eyes closed, breathing heavy. The two boys stood in the middle of the room, lost in their own actions and thoughts.

Newt slid his fingers up Thomas' side, cupping his face with both of his hands and pulling the younger boy closer to him. Thomas moaned quietly, the sound barely audible to anyone other than Newt as he ran his hands through Newt's already disheveled, blonde hair, tugging lightly at the ends. They eventually pulled away, their foreheads touching as they stayed quiet, staring into each others' eyes.

"I love you so much." Newt whispered, the realisation only just hitting him.

He hadn't realised until now, just what Thomas really meant to him. And he realised that it didn't matter what anyone around them thought because they wouldn't be a part of his life in a few months but he wanted Thomas to stay. He needed Thomas to stay.

Don't get Newt wrong, he hasn't forgotten what Thomas had done, but right now Newt couldn't care less. All Newt was bothered about right now was keeping Thomas close because he'd missed this feeling - the feeling of another person's warmth and love as they stood, arms wrapped around each other.

AWE! This is one of my favourite chapters (minus how badly it's written)! I've been waiting so long for some public Newtmas affection!!! Buuut I'm so disappointed 'coz I feel as though this whole book is rushed :/

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