Chapter 11

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Newt's POV

Me and Minho were walking home together later that day. Ever since English class he'd been acting odd around me but I couldn't tell why.

"Ugh, it's been such a boring day!" I groaned, pulling out a cigarette from the pocket of my leather jacket. I always kept a spare box in there for school because I knew I would need it.

"Why? It didn't seem like it to me." he sassed, typing away on his phone absent mindedly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, lighting the cigarette in my mouth, allowing the familiar smoke to pass my lips.

"Oh, nothing." he eventually replied, still refusing to look me in the eye.

"Oh, sure, act all mysterious why don't you!" I huffed, taking another deep inhale of smoke, letting it swirl round my mouth before I puffed it out in a single breath.

"Well, I don't know . . . how about in English? With Thomas?" he hinted, finally looking up from his phone screen only to stare at me with his eyes, the corners ever so slightly crinkling - a tell-tale sign that he was laughing inside.

I almost chocked on the smoke in my mouth, having to play it cool before I replied. How did he know anything about Thomas?

"What, that shank?" I laughed, forcefully may I add.

"Oh, that shank is it now? That's not how it seemed in class." he muttered, "Whatever, go have fun with you're new boytoy." he shouted whilst walking off ahead, placing in his earphones.

"Hey! He's not my boytoy!" I defended, though he most likely didn't hear me.

I huffed, annoyed and confused as I made my way home alone. How did he know anything about me and Thomas? I thought we weren't being obvious.

* * *

Thomas' POV

I made my way down the usual streets, Scott and Lydia by my side.

"What about Mariah?" I heard Scott ask, tapping me on the shoulder, "Hey, dude, you zoned out there."

"Huh, what?" I asked, trying to remember what he'd asked.

"I said, what about Mariah? She's hot, and single."

"Uh . . . yeah . . . I'll think about it." I said, still not quite sure what he meant.

"Hey, Scott! Maybe he already has his eyes on somebody. Don't try setting him up with random girls." Lydia laughed, joining me on the other side.

"Ha, sure, this idiot has totally got somebody already." Scott teased, nudging me in the shoulder.

"Hey! I could get someone!" I protested.

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"Ne- . . . New girl, yeah, th-the new girl." I stammered.

"There isn't a new girl!" Scott laughed, "At least, not one that'd get with you!" I knew he was only joking but it still pissed me off. If only they could know about Newt. But they'd kill me . . .

We carried on walking, sharing casual talk on our way, until we arrived by a street near the central park.

"Hey, guys, I gotta go now. See ya." I said, turning down the corner to the street.

"Why? Where are you off to? That's not your street." Lydia said, stopping.

"Oh, umm . . . I have to go visit my umm . . . my aunt." I stuttered, rubbing the back of my neck, nervously.

"M'kay then." she replied, sending a suspicious glance in Scott's direction as they continued walking, leaving me alone.

I let out a long sigh of relief as I walked down the street that Newt had written down earlier. As I walked down, passing house after house, I recognised somebody walk by on the other side of the street. They looked up from their phone just in time to meet my gaze, their eyes narrowing before shaking their head in disbelief, as they continued to walk passed.


I shook my head; that kid was weird.

I eventually arrived outside of the right house, taking a deep breath as I knocked on the front door.

Red and black paint was peeling off of the door, the bricks surrounding it crumbling with age. You could clearly tell that it was an old house.

Suddenly, the door was ripped open, revealing a boy that had managed to get deep under my skin. He was dressed in only grey sweatpants, his bare chest showing off toned muscles and tattoos. His blonde hair was ruffled, loose strands carelessly out of place, yet he still looked absolutely perfect.

"Hey . . . " he smirked, moving to the side to allow me inside.

So, I don't know how the next chapter is going to go . . . do you guys want it to get heated or not?

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Love you guys x

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