Chapter 18

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Yay, another update!

Shoutout to -hermy for being an amazingly dedicated reader 😂❤ Thank you so much!!!

Thomas' POV

I ran out onto to pitch, my teammates by my side. For once it was actually a nice day, the sun was high up casting a warm glow over the field, and it wasn't too windy but there was a slight breeze, perfect for cooling us down.

As we all took our places, I glanced up into the crowd, my eyes hastily scanning the various faces looking down at us. Eventually, I spotted the person I was looking for, his blonde hair shining in the light as he stood by the back. Our eyes locked and a smile grew on my face, watching as he subtly waved in my direction.

"Oi, Tommy-Boy! Pay attention!" coach called, grabbing my attention. I rolled my eyes at the name, bringing my attention back to the game that was about to begin.

Only minutes after a team huddle, the whistle blew, the sharp noise piercing my ears as players ran to the ball, shouting to each other in the process.

I shook my head, trying my best to forget about Newt and to focus on the game instead.

* * *

Throughout the game, I knew that I wasn't playing my best. I tried multiple times to focus and ignore the cheers coming from the audience, trying my hardest not to listen out for a certain somebody's voice as I ran down the pitch, but it was hopeless. Every time I glanced up to the crowd, my eyes meeting Newt's warm gaze, I felt my heart flutter. The feeling made me feel light inside and I didn't want it to go anytime soon.

At half-time, Scott pulled me over to the side.

"Thomas, what's with you today?" he demanded, his arms crossed in front of him as he glared at me.

"Umm . . . what?" I asked, pretending that I had no idea what he was getting at. After the performance the other day, Newt was certainly the last person he wanted to hear about. Not that I would talk about Newt with Scott anyway. I couldn't.

"You! Today! What are you doing? You're not paying attention to the game at all!"

I rose an eyebrow in fake confusion, grabbing a bottle of water off of the table besides us and taking a huge gulp.

"Just, focus yeah? Keep your head in the game, we're tied 3-3 so far, hopefully we can still beat them." Scott said calmly (though I could sense the stress that he was feeling), patting my back lightly and walking back onto the pitch. I nodded, making a mental note to ignore my surroundings and focus entirely on winning this game.

* * *

3rd Person POV

Newt had been standing at the back of the audience, his shades on and a leather jacket slung lazily over his right shoulder. So far, nobody had noticed him, or if they had, they hadn't bothered to say anything.

As the second half of the game began, Newt cheered for the team - Thomas in particular - though not too loudly, sending a thumbs up to his boyfriend as he ran onto the pitch not far behind Scott. The whistle blew, and Thomas began to run after the ball, gaining possession of it without a struggle. Newt smirked, watching the player from the opposing team become agitated. There was something about watching Thomas playing soccer, his mind focused on the game, and his body sweating under the glistening heat that made Newt feel both extremely proud to be his boyfriend yet slightly turned on.

Newt turned his head to the side, observing the people nearby, when he spotted a girl with pale brown hair glancing over in his direction. He thought he recognised her from somewhere, but couldn't remember where exactly. She observed him, her eyebrows raised, before sending her gaze over to the pitch. She looked at somebody on the pitch, then back at Newt, something clearly running through her mind as she sent a suspicious look in his direction for the last time, her attention finally going back to the match. Newt simply shook it off, deciding that he didn't know her. It wasn't like she knew the reason why he was here - well, he hoped that she didn't.

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