Chapter 26

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I was speechless. What was I supposed to say in that moment? He mentioned Harry and I stopped breathing instantly. I tried to act normal but Liam obviously noticed that suddenly I wasn’t comfortable. His gaze was on my face, I tried to hide my face by looking down.

“What… Wh… What about him?” I stammered. Nice Lisa, nice you can talk. Jesus, now he knows something is going on. Liam kept his gaze on me and he looked surprise. He haven’t seen this side of my before. Fuck, I haven’t seen this side of me before.

“I kinda hoped you could tell me.” Liam smirked. Jesus, why did he have to be so cheeky? Off course I blushed. My answer was pulling my shoulders. I found the courage to look straight into his eyes like nothing was going on. Faking something has always been one of my strengths. If Liam believed this I would be so lucky. As Liam realized that it was my answer he sighed and looked up in the ceiling like the real answer was to be found up there.

“We’re all worried, you know.” Liam kept his gaze on the ceiling and I looked at the ground. Why was he telling me this? Harry and I weren’t really talking at the moment. I waited for him to continue. He sighed. “I guess you have heard about Harry these last few months like management had to send him home. He was out of control. We never saw him. He came was always late - sometimes he even showed up drunk.”

I nodded. I already knew about that. Magazines and television has been on about it for months now even though it was calmed down since he came back home. I didn’t say anything, honestly I didn’t knew what to say.

“Lisa… I don’t know what happened between you two…” He saw my face expression, that I was about to interrupt him but he cut me off. “You don’t have to play a role in front of me. We see the gazes you give each other. We see Harry’s smile grow wider when he looks at you and talks with you. He gets interested whenever someone mentions you.” My heart skipped a beat… Fuck, it skipped 100 of beats - I thought I was having a heart attack. As cheesy as I was I blushed and smiled.

“Liam it’s not that easy.” I finally said. Harry had been incredible rude in front of my friends and let’s not talk about the way he kissed me after he left me to dance with Cat. My smile was now gone and a serious look was all over my face. “Did you see how he treated my friends? And let’s please not talk about the party. If I could I would help Harry, but I can’t.” Then I rose up and walked out of the room. The guilt I was feeling was breaking me from inside. Liam was a great guy and he was just trying to help his mate - but I couldn’t help. 

“You okay?” Jane asked. I smiled and nodded as I Will laid his arm around me and pulled me in to his side.  


I don’t know why it bothered me so much to see William with his arm around Lisa. I was in my drunk self when I kissed Lisa and knew it was wrong. But how come something so wrong felt so right? Lisa made me feel a lot of emotions at one time. At some point I wanted to tell the guy to fuck off, but how could I? Lisa and I weren’t a couple; we weren’t even speaking at the moment. She was pissed at me. I needed to talk to her alone. Where she couldn’t hide behind her friends. Off course Liam knew something was wrong. He always did. We decided to hang around at the house and then maybe go out later. I lay down on the sofa where Liam quickly sad down next to me, but my eyes were on Lisa. How she slowly bit her thumbnail and tugged some hair behind her ear. She giggled as she sat down between Niall and Jane.

“Hey Harry, are you even listening?” I turned my head away from Lisa and looked at Liam whose eyes were fulfilled with concern. I had seen those eyes before and I always felt unconformable when they looked at me like this. I pulled my shoulder as him as I found my phone. He sighed. My eyes were on Lisa again. Her smile. Her eyes. She was so beautiful in every kind of way. Yeah, she was insecure, some would even say broken at some point. She smiled at ground and William tugged her in closer. I felt disgusted at some point and my face was showing it because Louis and Liam were staring at me. I have them a quick gaze and looked on TV. This was not how it was supposed to be. I rose up and rushed away and I could feel a lot of gazes following me as I walked into my room - hoping no one would follow me.

I found my suitcase under the bed and pulled it out. My hands were seeking for a secret pocket in my suitcase. I was getting pretty desperate to find the bottle. My hands found the zipper and I quickly got it open. There it was. I opened the bottle and smelled the scent of the liquid. It burned in my nose. “Fuck it all.”


We just sat down and Harry just left. He fucking left. I don’t know what he was up to, but I was getting real tired of his bullshit. Things between us at the moment weren’t easy. After Harry left Liam and Louis talked quietly together, suddenly both of their eyes were looking at me. I blinked a few times before looking away. I still felt their gazes on me though.

I tried to keep up with the conversation but my mind kept wandering away. Harry was in his room alone, and maybe he was upset. But how was I supposed to know? He didn’t tell me anything, we had hardly spoken the last couple of hours. Yes, it felt nice when he kissed me and yes I didn’t pull back at all. I don’t know for how long I was distance for the conversation but Will poked me in the ribs. I jumped a little bit.

“Woaw, you were really fare away, huh?” He said and smirked. I send a small smile at him and tried to hide my concern about Harry away. Jane raised one of her eyebrows like she always did and looked bothered at me - I avoided her gaze.

“If it bothers you so much then go after him.” Jane whispered in my ear. I gave her a distant smile. She gave me a little push in the back - and I decided maybe I should check on him, just in case you know. Not because I was worried about him. Pfff… Okay, maybe I was a little.

As I walked down the hallway everything was quit. Not even a TV was playing or some music which just made me worry even more. I started with knocking quietly and with a little hesitation, maybe he didn’t want to speak with me. No one answered and I felt my heart race up. I knocked again. No answer. This time with a little more power. A big, hard lump was building itself up in my stomach.

I took the door handle down and it wasn’t locked. I opened the door and found Harry on the bed; it looked like he was sleeping. Afraid to walk closer I kept standing in the door. Maybe he didn’t hear me. Inside I knew something was wrong.

“Harry? Har... Harry, are you okay?” I almost whispered. He didn’t answer me.

The next thing I knew I screamed.

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yeah, sorry for bad uploading.. i was on vacation and i couldn't upload and i'm not really feeling well at the moment, but thanks for reading

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um, follow me on twitter: IOWNNIALLSBODY and on instagram: rikkeoerris 

i follow back, i promise! 

thank you

Rikke xx

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