Chapter 29

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 Every emotion you probably could feel I was feeling. I was close to tears and my cheeks hurt for smiling way too much. Before Louis showed Harry the picture I quickly escaped, I just couldn’t bear seeing his reaction - it was too much. I pretended nothing happened and nothing was wrong so I sat down next to Will. Will laid his arm around and I felt safe. Harry and Louis came back from the kitchen and I they both sat down. Louis obviously enjoyed himself and Harry looked like nothing had happened. Zayn was a quiet lad but also very caring. I know he saw Harry and I kissing - but he didn’t mob me about it like Louis did. Zayn saw through me and sat down next to me. I tried smiling casually at him, but he just shook his head.

“You and Harry, huh?” Zayn said smiling at me. I looked down on my hands and I started to fiddle with my nails. After a few moments went by and I just shook my head. Zayn laid his hand on my arm and he opened his mouth to say something.

“GUYS WE SHOULD ALL GO OUT!” Jane shouted with excitement. Some of the lads ‘wooh’ed with her but I wasn’t really feeling it. Harry could make feel so incredible happy and excited - but he could always make me so empty and disappointed. It wasn’t his fault, I am just so sensitive and I can’t control my feelings. It sucks that I felt this way. I was caught up in my own thoughts when Zayn poked me on my shoulder. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He opened his mouth again to say something but I was faster than him.

“I think I’ll go to bed now.” I said and rose up. My room was so comfortable. It was my safe place. No one could hurt me in this room. I always end up in my room when I feel uncomfortable. I remember coming home for school, and if I was having a really bad day, I would just crumble up under the duvets and hide. People never really understood that - but it didn’t matter to me. People never really understood me. School was awful. I wasn’t being bullied but people just didn’t care about me. For them I was just an empty shell - and at the time they were right. I lay down in my bed and starred at the ceiling trying to figure the evening out in my mind. Between all the confusing I feel asleep.

Someone bumped into my desk chair. I barely woke up but looked at the clock. It was 4am. My eyes squeezed together I looked up and saw some curly hair trying to find around. My hand reached out for my bed lamp. The hair again bumped into my desk chair. I smiled in the dark and finally hit the light. The curly haired boy stopped moving. Literally. He stood in the middle of my room. He didn’t even look at me. He kept his face straight in the opposite direction.

“Harry?” I whispered. He slowly turned his face. A smile came across his face he stood up straight again. His shoes were thrown next to me bed. “You okay?” I asked him. He nodded and sat down next to me in my bed. He smiled at me and kept looking at me. I felt uncomfortable and moved away from him.

“Lisa.” He said and moved closer to me. This time I didn’t move away. His voice was soft and almost a whisper. Harry took both of my hands in his and his green gaze was almost burning inside mine. My mouth was getting dry. Inside I was a complete mess. Harry dragged me even closer. I lost my breath as his face was only a few centimeters away from mine. He starred at my lips. His eyes met mine again. He moved his face closer to mine. He wrapped his arms around me and our foreheads were now touching. My arms were around his neck casually touching his hair. Our lips were almost touching. I could feel his breath. Some hair was hiding my face, so he removed it behind my ear. A sigh was let out and I was beginning to breathe again. A small peck was shared. We fell asleep. His arm around me and his face all covered in my hair.

-  - - - -

The next morning I woke up cuddling with Harry. I instantly panicked. Beside me Harry was quietly snoring. I caught myself smiling at him because he looked so cute. His curls were messy and the long lashes were kissing his cheeks. I wanted so bad to kiss his cheek, but I resisted. My legs were still tired as I rose up. I was still wearing the clothes from last night when I collapsed in my bed. I changed into a large sweatshirt and looked at Harry one more time. Downstairs looked fine a little messy though. My couch was occupied by a loudly snoring Will. He slowly opened his eyes slowly. After rubbing them a few times his almond gaze found me.

“Morning.” I said moving closer to him. He made room for me on the couch. As always Will laid his arm around. It was becoming my second home. “Hey.” He said with a raspy morning voice. “How many are still here?” I asked looking up at him. He thought about a few moments scratching his forehead.

“I think Jane went home with someone. The whole band is here plus the drummer Josh. About my friends, I have no idea.” He said while yawing. Jane hooked up? Woaw, well desperate was in, I suppose. She needed some loving. I giggled a little to myself. Will helped me to tidy the living room up a little bit, and he made some breakfast. As soon as the smell covered up the house more of the boys came down. I realized I was the only girl, which made me insecure. Everything I did or said I was really insecure about. Everywhere I looked Harry was there. Everything I saw reminded me of Harry.

“Hi, I’m Jose - the drummer.” Jose was a nice looking lad. I smiled at him and introduced myself. “I’ve heard of you.” He said cheeky. I blushed and quickly looked away. In the corner of my eyes I saw Louis giggling. I gave him a look that asked him to cut it off - which made him giggle even more. I just shook my head at him. He answered me with secretly pointing at Harry and winking. Again I shook my head and looked away. I resisted the need to look at Harry right now because I know Louis is watching me. My thoughts were interrupted.

“Where did you sleep last night, Harry?”  Liam asked while he frowned his forehead. It looked like Louis already knew because he smiled at me while tilting his head to the side. I panicked and instantly looked at my feet. Again this was a disaster for me. The need of running away caught me - but I stayed. Harry ignored the question to begin with and acted like the news paper was interesting. Everybody was looking at him and he looked really confused. He opened his mouth many times. Then he looked at me and I shook my head. He looked around the kitchen again, but then he finally said: “It’s a secret.” Louis looked at me and shook his head. I felt so relieved that I let out a sigh. Liam smiled at Harry’s response. “We’ll talk about that later, ok?” Then he went back to eating his pancakes.

“You’re going back to London today, right?” Will asked me. I nodded and put the milk back into the fridge. Jane came down from upstairs. “Jane?” I said. She dragged me out of the kitchen and into the living room. She looked if anyone had followed us. “Okay, I will tell you later! I hooked up with Joss - the drummer.” She quickly said with a smile then she ran out of the door and left me alone with the  boys. Again.             

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Hey guys. I'm sorry but good chapters takes time! I hope you enjoyed. I have been so busy, so I actually wrote this chapter today! Which took about 3 hours or something. 

Please tell me what you think x 


Instagram: rikkeoerris x 

Rikke x

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