Chapter 25

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The next morning Anne gave us the whole speech. Honestly, I couldn’t blame her. The house didn’t look nice; to be honest it looked like shit. Cups were everywhere and beer was on the carpets. To start with we all helped with cleaning until Liam had a brilliant idea of calling a cleaning lady. We all led out a big sigh of relief. I tried to my best to leave them all by sneaking away and into my room, I really needed a shower. As I led the warmth water cover my body, I couldn’t help it. My thoughts travelled to Harry once again. He kissed me last night, but probably and hopefully he didn’t remember it. Once again I touched my lips trying to understand why he did it. After my shower I decided to wear some shorts and a jumper. The black bags were enormous under my eyes and I used to some concealer to hide it. I made a messy bun on the top of my head not caring if some hair wasn’t in it. As my stomach groaned I decided some food might be a good idea.

“Morning love.” Anne said when she saw me. I send a tired smile. It smelled amazing; Anne was making pancakes for us since we all felt completely dead. Last night was pretty wild.

“Can I help with something?” I asked politely. Anne smiled and said that I could take control of the stove. We small talked during the baking and I quit enjoyed talking with Anne. As the smell probably reaches all the corners of the house a sleepy Niall showed up in the kitchen. His hair was really messy and his hair pointing in all kind of directions. 

“Oh god, I’m starving.” He said rubbing his tummy. Niall joined our conversation and helped with the dishes. We ended having a small water fight. I ran around the dining table as Niall tried to catch me with water in his hands.  He pointed out his tongue when he heard me giggling. His t-shirt had big spots with water all over it. I tried to run away but Niall caught me by surprise and he splashed the water right in my face. I shrieked a small scream and punched Niall on the arm as he chuckled.

Breakfast was ready and Anne shouted for the others and we all sat down. I kept my focus on my plate, I felt a lot of gazes on me but I was too shy and too afraid to look up and meet them with my own gaze. As I reached out for my drink and guided up to my mouth I accidently looked up and meet Harry’s gaze. He raised his eyebrows like he was surprised that I dared to look at him. I looked down again quickly. My heart skipped a few beats and I lost my appetite. I laid down my knife and fork and starred down in my lap and hoped no one noticed me.

“You okay, Lisa?” Woaw, how many times could someone ask you this question? I looked up and met Anne’s kind eyes. My lips shrugged a smile. “Yeah sure.” I said. She smiled at me and joined the boy’s conversation. A conversation I wasn’t following.

“Did Cat sleepover?” Zayn asked with frowned eyebrows. I couldn’t help it but the conversation suddenly became very interesting. Everybody had their gazes on Harry, but he didn’t notice. He was all in his pancakes. Louis cleared his throat and gave Harry an elbow in his rips. Harry looked up confused his green eyes looking lost at Louis. He noticed we all were looking at him and he pulled his shoulders.

“Well, mate she’s your “friend”.” Liam chuckled. He put quotes signs with both of his hands when he said friend. I felt a big knot in my guts and my gaze was frozen on Harry. Harry shook his head with a grin.

“I almost didn’t speak to her.” Harry said meeting my gaze. Was he trying to say, he wasn’t interested in Cat? I blinked a few times before looking down again. I found a little bit of braveness inside me.

“You danced together.” I said. Everyone looked at me but at some point I didn’t mind it off course I blushed but I always did. Harry didn’t move he almost didn’t breathe.  He led out a sigh and nothing more was said in minutes. I decided I was done eating.

“Thanks for the pancakes, Anne. They were lovely.” I said and pulled a smile at Anne who said she would it any time for me. This made me smile even more. I rose up and walked up with my plate then leaved them and their silence alone walking into my room. God, how I missed Jane. Anne said I could invite who I wanted, so why didn’t I invite her?

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