Chapter 30

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After saying my goodbyes to the boys, I checked my room after stuff I maybe hat forgotten. As I looked under the bed, I found a ring. Not a girly ring, but a manly ring in silver. Instantly I knew who this ring belonged too. I sat down on the floor and looked around – feelings were surrounding me. All these feelings were killing me. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone. I rose up on my knees so I could reach it on the desk. It was a text from Louis; he had sent me a picture. Scared and insecure I opened the text. It was the picture of me… And Harry kissing. Memories from last night rushed through my mind and I felt embarrassed. Then I found myself smiling and I confused myself. Not wanting to reply to his cheeky text I called Michelle. My sister had disappeared yesterday and I wondered what she has been up to. She took it after a few rings.

“Hi sis – missed me much?” She said cheeky. I could almost imagine her face expression.

“Where are you? Most important – have you seen mom and dad?” I said not taking attention to her cheekiness.

She told me she would be back in 30 minutes to pack her stuff. Suddenly I realized I was still holding the ring in my hands. My thumb was gently rubbing the ring as I thought about Harry. He really knows how to confuse me. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn’t hear the knock at door, so Jane was suddenly standing in the door to my room.

“Hey, you.”

Suddenly we were both sitting on floor discussing last night; I decided to keep the whole Harry thing to myself. Jane told me about Josh, and I felt happy for her. She really knew how to cheer me up and how to change my thoughts.

“Please come with me to London!” I said begging her. Jane hugged me and I hugged her back as my sister yelled through the house, that she was back.

An hour later my parents arrived as well. We hugged goodbye and as always my dad helped us with the luggage. He always wanted to help with my bags, sometimes he forgot I wasn’t a little girl anymore. As I gave my dad one last hug, I realized how much I’ve had missed him. He was my daddy. As I pulled away my dad had a tear in his eye, and I titled my head to the side and shrugged a smile.

“Dad, we will see each other soon.” I said tearing up a little bit as well. I was overwhelmed by all these emotions.

My dad nodded and whispered:” I know, I’m just so proud of you.” This was the first time my dad ever said that to me, and I couldn’t help but smile.

Some of Michelle’s friends were here to say goodbye. Will pulled me closer and hugged me. I was going to miss him too, luckily he would move to London soon. As I gave my last goodbyes I turned around and saw a curly haired boy standing by himself in the end of the driveway. As our gazes met my heart stopped beating and after a few seconds he waved awkwardly at me. I decided to be a little confident perfectly knowing my attempt wouldn’t work very well. My steps were insecure and I had fight with keeping eye contact as I moved closer to him.  Harry smiled at me when I reached the end of the driveway, he pulled back some of his curls and his hands found his pockets.

“Hi.” He said – it was almost a whisper. Honestly I didn’t know what to say to him, so I shrugged a smile and nervously touched my hair. I realized I was wearing his ring, and I pulled it off and tried to give it back to him. For a minute he just looked at my hand, and then he realized what I was holding and shook his head.

“Keep it.” He said slowing taking the ring. He put it on my thumb since; it was way too big for the other fingers. For a few seconds we were both looking at the ring not knowing what to say. Harry opened his mouth and I was desperate to hear his word when we got interrupted my sister car hooting.

“Thanks.” I said. Harry went in for hug and I agreed on it. I laid my arms around his neck as he pulled my waist close. “Bye.” I whispered into his neck. We both pulled away and I went a few steps away, I was still not sure with this connection, we have. I walked away and felt sad as I turned my back at Harry.

“See you.” He said a little louder and I instantly turned around. I shrugged a smile and nodded. Then he walked away and walked up to my friends and family.

London, I’m coming home!  

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Hey guyyyyys! I'm back, I guess. I missed writing so much. 

I don't know how many of you that are still here, but if you're still reading my story - thank you so much.

I know it's not reallly a long chapter, I just need to start up again.

Please tell me if you liked it and please vote.

Ily you guys

Rikke xx

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