Chapter 12

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My mom pushed me to go the dinner at Lisa’s house. I know she would be there. My mom said it would be nice for me to get out. I didn’t share that feeling - but I went anyway to please her… And maybe I wanted to see Lisa again.

Lisa was sitting with some friends in the couch. They were goofy and I nervously touched my fling. Then Lisa noticed me. I think her face brightens up a little, but I don’t know. She didn’t say anything she just waved cute. Then she went away and her friends asked me to sit. They introduced themselves as Jane and William. We started talking casually when Lisa came back.

She sat in a chair in front of the couch and she blushed. She looked down and then up. She looked directly at me. I bit my lip and my whole body froze. I was afraid to move because maybe it would ruin this moment…


Harry looked on me. I looked on him. It felt like it was only me and him in the room. Something inside me told me that this was right. This thing right here was right. I didn’t want to look away and I wanted to look into his green eyes forever. I moved some hair from my face to behind my ear. I pulled my lips in a smile and looked down shy. Shit, what was that? Harry also looked away and I looked out of the edge of my eye… He was smiling.

“Dinner is ready.” My mom shouted from the dining room. We all rose up and went into the dining room. Harry’s mother and stepdad had already taken a seat.

“Hey Lisa! You look lovely.”  Anne rose up from her chair and came over to me. She kissed my cheek. “Thank you.” I stammered. We all sat down. My dad and Des quickly started to talk about golf. I didn’t really catch what my mom and Anne where talking about. William and Jane were discussing something about music. Harry was sitting quit and eating his food. I sneaky looked on him and looked away. I felt like he did the same thing.

“Lisa, will you past me the salt?” A sore voice asked me. I looked up and found the eyes to the voice. The same green eyes I found myself starring into 30 minutes ago. I smiled the best I could and reached out for the salt. Our fingers touched and I lost my breath. I quickly looked down on my plate and I lost my appetite. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“You should all join us next week!” Anne said delighted. All my attention was moved to that conversation. “I don’t know, Anne. We don’t want to ruin your summer.” I heard my mom said. “Don’t be a fool!” Anne said glad.

“Lisa, do you have plans for next week?” Anne asked me. I looked on her with a shy smile. Why couldn’t I find something important for next week? Well life hates me…

“I don’t think so… I mean I came back to see some friends so…” I was lying my ass. I never really had any friends in this town. “Harry will join us too.” Anne said and nodded in Harry’s direction. How fantastic I thought sarcastic. I didn’t look at Harry. I smiled insecure and looked on Jane. She looked horrified. “That’s settles it then! I will call you tomorrow to give the details.” Anne said and laughed. I panicked and couldn’t sink anything. I was too afraid to look on Harry.


When our fingers touched through the dinner it was like cartoons. My mom forced Lisa to go with my family to our summer house on the country side. I don’t know but I liked the thought. Maybe I could get into Lisa a little bit more. Get to talk to her. After the dinner we went home.

It was dark outside and you could see the stars. “Harry, how well do you know, Lisa?” My mom asked me. I pulled my shoulders and said:” Not that well.” My mom was sitting in the front seat while Des was driving. “You went to the same high school.” She said. I just nodded and didn’t know what to say. Lisa said that we had English together but I didn’t remember.

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yeah, i know there's a lot of unfinished endings, and blaa

sorry for the mistakes and all, i love you guys so much

please vote or whatever, i love you once again

Rikke xx

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