Chapter 18: Unpacking.

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Lucy's PoV

We walked up the cobble path towards Natsu, and Happy's, and soon to be shared by me and Luna, house. Natsu opened the door and let us in dropping my stuff to the wooden floor. "Hey! Watch it!" I said hoping that nothing was broken. "Sorry Luce." He blushed and scratched the back of his neck. "Your room is through here." Happy said, opening a door at the furthest side of the room. When he opened it I saw a large room but it was full of dust and cobwebs. "Sorry. We never clean in here." Natsu said, walking in behind me and Luna. "That's okay we can fix that." I said. I drew some mops, water buckets, some soap and a feather duster and it popped off the page. "Luna you take this and do the ceiling. I'll do down here." I handed her a feather duster and she flew up to the ceiling and started cleaning. Then I put a spell on the rest of the cleaning supplies so they would come to life and start cleaning. "Woah! You're just full of surprises Luce." Natsu exclaimed shocked. "Hehe. You haven't seen anything yet." I giggled and pulled something out of one of my boxes. It was a snow roes, its petals were a snowy white and it was cold to the touch. "Nature's blessings! Human transformation!" I touched its stem and it started glowing and becoming bigger until it was shaped like a human girl. The glowing stopped and a gorgeous 16 year old girl with white hair, piercing white eyes and she was wearing a short, white, flowing dress. "Pretty." I heard Happy whisper beside me. "Ice. Can you help with the cleaning?" I asked her and she simply nodded and got to work. "Who is that?" Natsu asked suspiciously. "Oh. That's ice cube." I said bluntly and walked out into the living area. I could see Ice using her plant powers and vines sprouted from her fingers and picked up the cleaning supplies I had made. "Now, let's get started here." I cracked my knuckles and stretched my back out before I started picking up the plates. "What are you doing Lucy?" Happy asked confused. "Cleaning." I said bluntly and put all of the plates that were in my hands in the sink. Then I started with the laundry. "Let's help." Natsu whispered to Happy and Happy nodded. Then they started picking up the books and blankets. I giggled. "What yah giggin' about Luce?" Natsu asked putting books on the bookshelf. "Noooothing." I smiled innocently. To be honest this feels like we're a couple moving in together. I blushed at the thought. "Yooooou liiiiiike hiiiiiim." Happy rolled his tongue. "Shut up Happy." Natsu said pulling on a blanket, but of course that had to be the blanket I was standing on and I tumbled to the floor. "Owwwwwww. Naaaatsuuuuuu?" I groaned rubbing my sore head. I was still wearing the dress that they had found me in when I was changing the seasons so the lower part of the dress was by my thighs and showing off my bright pink underwear. "Eep!" I screamed and immediately threw my knees down and covered then with the dress. "Wow Luce." Natsu blushed furiously. Then I heard snickering behind Natsu.

Suddenly, he came flying towards me and landed on me with my legs wide open. "N-Natsu?!" I questioned as I pushed him to the other side of the door and out the open window. Then I heard the snickering again. "HAPPY! LUNA!" I screamed slamming my hands on the floor and got up as I saw the two exceeds hide behind Ice. "GET OUT HERE NOOOOOW!" I screamed pointing my hand to the ground in front of me. "Promise you won't try to kill us!" Luna shouted. "I CAN'T PROMISE." I said severely angry. Then Natsu jumped back through the window that he flew out of. "S-sorry N-Natsu." I calmed down and stared at the floor, my bangs covering my eyes. "I-I d-didn't m-mind." He blushed looking to the side rubbing the back of his head. Wait. What is that supposed to mean? I asked myself. Then I heard the three others burst out laughing. "Shut up. Nature's blessings! Original transformation!" Then Ice started glowing again and turned back to a flower, then I put her in a vase that was in my stuff. "Alright. Are we done yet?" I asked, trying to change the subject, and looked around the rooms. They were sparkling, since were so clean. "Aright! Now time to unpack!" I said opening the boxes that were in my and Luna's room. "We'll help!" Natsu and Happy said in unison. "Okay sure, come on." I said waving them over. Then Natsu reached for a box that had written on it 'delicates'. "Natsu! Don't open that..." My voice trailed off as he has opened the box and pulled out its contents. My underwear, bras and all. I blushed furiously as the Happy and Luna cried with laughter. "Natsu. Put that down NOW!" I screamed and ran over to him. I pulled them out of his hands and pulled the box to the other side of the room. "That's it! Get out all of you! I'll do it myself." I said, pushing them all out of the room and finished the unpacking.

(A/N hey I know this is a bit shorter than usual but it's like 9:30 and I have school tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment. Bye my little storm clouds!)


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