Chapter 37: RoWen

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Romeo's PoV

Gajeel just walked out of the room and I suddenly felt super hungry. "Yo! Mr King! Is there any food in this arena?" I asked the dragon King. "Why yes my son! I believe it's in the girl's room." He thought and I got up. "I'll find it somehow. Thanks." I said and walked out of the room.

Metalicana's PoV

"Abort! Abort! Romeo is coming over there now! Make sure Wendy goes to get food!" I telepathically scream at Mira. "What he's coming here NOW!?" She asks just to be sure. "Yeah! and he's hungry! Make sure Wendy either has food or goes to get it! Now! Now! Now!" I demand and she does her side of the mission.

Wendy's PoV

Mira starts panicking for some reason and starts running around as the girls are mainly gossiping, which I'm surprised she's not involved in. "Um, Mira-San? Are you alright?" I walk over to her nervously. "Wendy! Just the person I was looking for! I need you to go and get some food! Just go down the hall and take to lefts and there should be the kitchen! Hurry, hurry! Go, go!" She pushes me out the room quickly and I spot Romeo walking down the corridor. "Hey! Romeo-San!" I call him over and he runs up. "Hey Wendy! Is there any food in there?" He asks blushing a bit. "I'm afraid not. But I'm about to go of to the kitchen if you want to come with?" I smile sweetly at him. I hope I'm not blushing right now! I really like Romeo-San and I don't want him to think I'm ill or something. I think nervously as my face grows hot. "Alright, let's go!" He yells and grabs my hand. I instantly blush. Thankfully he's walking in front of me so he can't see. He's so cute from behind. "So, which way." He turns around, pushing me out of my thoughts. "U-um, Mira-San told me to take two rights? Or was it left? Oh I can't remember! She kicked me out of there so fast I didn't have time to memorise it." Animated tears started falling from my eyes. "Oh, don't cry! It just means we get to spend more time with each other trying to find it." Romeo calmed me down. Wait! He wanted to spend more time with meeeeee? Eeeeeeep. I think I'm the happiest person in the world right now! I squealed in my mind. I blushed even more. Can someone even get this red?! I questioned the magic of the body and decided it was possible.

"Okay, first let's go to the right. Seeing as that was your first choice." Romeo smiled warmly at me. I nodded, with his hand still in mine, we went right. After a bit we went right again and came across the exit which had rune spells on it so people couldn't get in or out because of the storm. "I'm so sorry Romeo-San! It's all my fault. I'm such an air head!" I let go of Romeo's hand and bow repeatedly then smacked my forehead. "No, it's alright! You don't have to get so worked up over it. Now let's try the other way. Shall we?" Romeo hands out his hand to me. I take it and we go back the way we came. Suddenly, a tree threw at the window and made a crashing sound that made me jump out of my skin. "Scared?" Romeo asks putting his arm over my shoulder instead of holding my hand. "Yeah. I was I like this last time." I admitted. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." Romeo said reassuringly and I relaxed and bit as we walked down the hall.

Finally, after many attempts, we found the kitchen. It was all a clean, pure white and sliver with very expensive long kitchen appliances, like a few stoves, walk in fridge in the wall, another stove and preparation area. Romeo went straight to the fridge. He opened the big door and walked in, I ran in after him. Inside it was cold and I shivered, there were all the foods in the world in one room as well as spice and sauces. Romeo went up to the meat section and grabbed a slab of steak. (I apologise to any vegetarians out there!) then he went to the spices and got a brunch of roes Mary. We walked out and he put the meat and roes Mary on a counter. He got a knife out and started chopping it up. "Do you know how to cook, Romeo-San?" I ask him, sitting in one of the spiny, bar chairs across from him. "Yeah. I do most of the cooking at home 'cause my dad can't cook." He admits and grabs a frying pan from the over head rack. "That must be hard. I have no idea how to cook. Carla-San always warns me how 'I'll be a horrible wife' and 'you should act more like Lucy or Ersa'." I say mimicking Carla's voice horribly. He laughs. "I think you'd be a great wife! As long as you love the guy is all that matters. Right?" He asks me. "That's what I say! But then she says that 'wives have responsibilities'." I sigh at the end, mimicking her again. "You're great at impressions. You would be able to make him laugh." He laughs putting the meat and roes Mary in the frying pan as it sizzled. "What would you be looking for in a wife?" I ask him, immediately regretting it. "I guess, just me loving her and she loves me back. It doesn't matter how they look or if their strong or smart. As long as she's a good person and that she loves me." He says with a determined look in his eyes. I blushed noticing how cute he looked cooking. "Do you have your mind set on someone?" I ask, curiosity taking over. "Yeah." He admits shyly. Why did I ask that?! He obviously doesn't like me. I scold myself. "Whooooo?" I tease. "Not telling." He says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh come on. I won't tell anyone." I beg. I need to know who this chick is! "I'll tell you one day. When I have the courage to tell her." He says and I instantly become depressed. Well, curiosity killed the cat.

After eating Romeo returned me to the girl's room, helping carry the mass amounts of food for them. "Well, I guess this is it?" He questions me. I've been silent since we had that conversation about who he liked and was kind of on auto pilot. Why won't he tell me? Does he not trust me? I think as he sets the food in the girl's room. "Wendy. Are you alright? You've been acting weird ever since we ate. Do feel ill? Did I not cook it enough?" He asked worried and I felt tears build in my eyes. "No I'm fine! No need to worry. Good night Romeo-San!" I put on my best fake smile and went in, hoping no one would ask me what went on and went to sleep after the long day we had, had.

Romeo's PoV

If only you knew that liked you Wendy..... No it's not just liking. I love you! I thought when she asked me who the person I like was. When I didn't tell her she went really quiet for the rest of the evening, it was almost like she was being controlled. When we got back I finally confronted her about it. "Wendy. Are you alright? You've been acting weird ever since we ate. Do feel ill? Did I not cook it enough?" I was worried for her safety. After all, I loved her. She looked at me and looked like she was about to burst into tears. Then she put on a fake smile. "No I'm fine! No need to worry. Good night Romeo-San!" She said as happily as she could but I knew it was fake. It just wasn't like her to do that. She quickly went into the girl's room. Wendy. What's wrong? Pissed at myself that I didn't say it aloud I trudged back to the guy's room and went to sleep, with Wendy in my dreams.

(A/N alright! Three in one day! Yeah! Any way wasn't this sweet. I might be returning back to the main story next chap or I can do a Gruvia chap. You choose. Anyway see yah later my little storm clouds.)


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