Chapter 6

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The day with my mother was soon over. We only went to my favorite store FOREVER 21 and got our nails done. That was good enough for me to have a complete relaxed day. Minus Harry.

Tomorrow was Monday. I would have to see him in 6th a 7th period. I can only imagine how awkward it will be. He hates me and I would like to know why. Maybe he doesn't hate me? Right? Ugh.


I walk down the hall with Jess to 6th period. We part different ways when I get close to the class room. I walk inside and make no attempt to look at the back of the room for Harry. I know he's there. I can feel his presence. Is that weird?

"Ellie." I swear I hear some one whisper but decide to just shrug it off.

The bell rings for 7th and I get up but to only be ran over by Harry. He doesn't even say sorry. He shoved me pretty hard. Okay I seriously need to know why he's being so rude.

I walk up to him and stop him right in his path. "What is your problem Styles?" I almost yell at him. I can tell he's taken aback but I honestly need an answer.

"Get out of my way." He says with annoyance.

"No! Why the heck are you being so rude! I thought we actually had a good time Saturday night!" I am almost close to tears.

"Saturday? Saturday meant nothing. Okay? Just.. Damn it leave me alone." He says trying to get around me. That was it. I was crying. When he noticed, his face softened and he tried to reach out for me. I couldn't even look at him. I ran inside for 7th period. And soon as the bell rang I basically sprinted out of class.


"Jess, I'm okay!" I reassure her. She always knows when I'm sad. I'm just glad she doesn't force it out of me like my mother.

"Ellie." Harry's voice scares me and Jess, indicating he's standing right behind us.

"Um well I'll text you? Bye girl! Love ya!" Jess said walking away. Damn, I don't wanna be alone with him.

"Look Ellie I-I really just need to talk to you okay? Can you come o-over to my house? Please." He stammers.

"Are you going to tell me everything?" I question him.

"Yes. Maybe.." He trails off.

"No "maybe". You are. Now lets go before I change my mind." I demand while glaring at him.


We are soon in front of his house. I never notice how pretty it was. Not two small, not to big. We get inside and I just stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"Um so do you wanna talk on the couch." He asks gesturing to the leather seating. I just walk over and plop my body down on a seat.

"Ellie I just really wanna say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I actually did have fun Saturday. I know that we have only known each other for a while but I feel like.. I just really like you Ellie. I'm sorry for pushing you away. But I.. You're just all I have." He says looking at me straight in the eyes. That's when it hit me. I was falling for him also. That's why it hurt me so much when he totally ignored me Saturday night.

"Harry. I accept your apology. I understand now. There are still some questions I have but I'm sure they will soon be answered. I-I like you to Harry." I smile at him.

Harry's POV

For the rest of the night me and Ellie just end up watching movies while sitting on the couch. I decide to make a brave move and put my arm around her and bring her into my side.

"Whoa. Harry your hands are really cold haha." She says grabbing onto my hand, yet she doesn't let go. I don't say anything. I can't. It would scare her away from me.


"Ellie. Ellie. Ellie! Wake up! We have to get you home." I say shaking her awake.

"Oh. Yeah." She mumbles. I put her in the car and drive off to her home. She is still asleep when I put her in the car. I look at her and study her features. She's beautiful. Her straight, light brown hair, her amazing blue eyes, light skin tone. Why the hell doesn't she have a boyfriend?

We get in front of her house and as much as I don't want to wake her up I have to.

"Ellie. Babe. We're here." I whisper in her ear. She just groans and looks up at me. To my surprise to pulls me in for a hug.

"Goodnight styles." She says pulling away from the hug and getting out.

I watch till she's safe inside, and then head home to my own place.


Here's an update for you guys! I know it's short but, sorreh! COMMENT and VOTE please?

Love ya ❤


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