Chapter 12

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I get to 6th period and run over to Harry. I slap my hand down on his desk and he looks up with his eyes wide.

"What the hell was that?" I ask trying to be as quite as I can so I don't draw nosy people's attention.

"What was what?" He snaps looking at me straight in the eyes.

"You were acting like a complete jerk earlier! You acted as if you owned me! The kid just winked at me Harry! Every one winks see I'm winking!" I say while winking my eye like I'm crazy.

"Jesus will you stop! Your being ridiculous. I was only trying to protect you. You're mine. That might sound obsessive but I believe if two people have an intement encounter like we did, we belong to each other and no one else. Sure as hell not that guy. You're mine and I'm yours. Okay? So will you calm down?" He says looking down at his desk. I can't help but lose all anger towards him. That was probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm yours I promise. But trust me that dude wasn't my type anyway" He looks up at me and I smile at him. He leans up to give me a quick kiss and I take my seat, while the teacher soon comes in.

The bell rings and we go to 7th hand in hand. Good thing we had a free day to make up work so me and Harry just sit there and talk.

Before I know it school is finally out. Three more days to go. I make my way to my locker and to my surprise Harry is waiting for me.

"Um hey?" I say walking towards him.

"Hurry up we need to leave." He demands.

"Excuse me? I'll take my time thank you." I say to him.

"Now." He growls and I can tell his eyes are getting darker by the second. I threw my binders in my locker and grab Harry's hand that he held out for me.

"I'm not mad at you. We just need to leave." He says.

"Why?" I tighten my grip on him, I'm getting just a little scared.

"Because someone's here. Like me. I don't know if they are friendly but I am not gonna take the chance. They could hurt you Ellie. I'm not having that." He looks down at me then back straight down the hall.

We get outside and Harry puts his arm around my waist and holds me really close to him. Almost to where I can't breathe.

"Har-Harry. I'm not as strong as you remember?" I say trying to catch my breath. He looks down and gives me a sympathetic smile and goes to hold my hand again. Before we can reach the car we hear someone speak. Harry immediately freezes.

"Stay behind me." He whispers and turns around. While pushing me behind him. I look over at who it was. The guy had black hair up over his forehead like Harrys. He had flawless skin and brown eyes. He looks like Harrys age and also had tattoos, I mean Harry has some but not as full of color like the one on his arm. He was dreamy looking really. Harry then steps forward a little.

"Zayn?" Harry says towards the boy. I now knew his name.

"Yeah! Haha hey man!" Zayn says while they walk towards each other and give each other the biggest hug I have ever seen two men give each other. Well they must be friends.

"Jesus! I haven't seen you in years! What are you doing here?" Harry asks him.

"Well I was in England and thought I should travel to one of our old spots! And I heard you were here too, so I came to find you!" He laughs. Well that explains why Harry knows this city all to well; it's one of their "old spots" . Harry's just nods.

"Who's this." Zayn smiles at me.

"Oh shit. This is Ellie. My girlfriend." Harry says grinning and gesturing for my hand. I take it an step forward to where I'm closer to the two. Zayn looks a little stiff and smiles while shaking my hand.

"Sorry my hands are cold it's just that uh.." Zayn tries to come up with an explanation for them being cold when its hot most of the time in texas, but I just laugh. He looks at me with a confused expression.

"She knows." Harry says smiling at him.

"Oh well shit. You could have told me that. You're cool with your boyfriend being a you know.. vamp?" He asks me

"Yeah I am. I know he won't hurt me. He's still the same Harry to me." I say squeezing Harry's hand and he looks down at me and smiles his perfect smile.

Zayn and Harry talk for a little while longer before they exchange numbers.

"Alright mate ill see ya later. Me and Ellie have a date. Text me sometime so we can hangout!" He says while they hug again. They both wave goodbyes, me and Harry then make our way to his car. By about this time it's 6. They literally have been talking for 2 hours.

"Where are we going?" I ask him. He just grins at me.

"It's a surprise babe. We are gonna just swing by my house to get some stuff. You just wait in the car."

"But I need to-" I start to say but Harry cuts me off.

"What your wearing right now will do. I'll be right back!" He says getting out of the car. I just sit there and wonder what he could possibly have planned. About 20 minutes go by and he finally comes out; with a basket. Awww are we gonna have a picnic?

"Alrighty then! Are you ready! What are you smiling at?" He half laughs while jumping in the car and looking at me.

"You. You're so cute. Are we having a picnic?" I ask while grabbing his hand. He just grins and starts to pull out of the drive way.

"Haha. How'd you guess?" He cheers. I just sit back and watch the darkening road ahead of us. We drive what seems like forever.

Harry pulls over to a grass field. Oh. He gets out and grabs the basket from the back seat and I get out also. He holds out his hand and I take it. We walk for a while until Harry pulls out a blanket and lays it down on the grass. He gestures me to sit down so I do, he then pulls out two sandwiches and juice boxes. I can't help but giggle at how cute this is. Harry looks over at me and smiles.

"Do you like it?" He asks

"Like it? No." His face drops at my statement but I continue. "I love it. It's amazing. The stars are so bright. The full moon. The juice boxes. You. I love it." He sighs with relief after I finish.

"I'm so glad! I didn't think you would like it. Thank god you do. I love you." He says leaning in to kiss me.

"I love you too." This is perfect. We just lay there talking and cuddling under the stars. He tells me about him and zayn. And about how he misses his parents, and how he's so lucky to have found me. He's literally perfect.

"Ellie it's nearly 12." Harry says yawning. Man. I don't wanna go. I sigh and get up to help Harry pick up the stuff. When it's done we walk hand and hand to his car. He puts the basket back in and opens the door for me to get in also. He starts the car and we drive off.

"Do you wanna spend the night with me? My parents won't be home so. I mean if you want." I look over at Harry.

"Um yeah! If you want me to? Ill just drop this off at my place and get some clothes alright?" He says with a wide smile. I jump for joy inside. I love him.


Harry comes out with some of his clothes and gets back in the car. We get to my house and we both jump out running to my porch. We get inside and I lead him upstairs to my room.

"Ooo it's cozy in here." Harry say plopping down on my bed. I change into my pajamas and Harry just takes of his shirt and pants. I can't help but stare at his amazing chest and v-line. He pulls me by my arms into his chest. He's warm.

"I thought if your a vampire you're suppose to be cold?" I whisper to him while laying on top of him on the bed.

"Usually. But when you find that perfect someone. It makes you feel... Feel human again. You're my forever." He says stroking my hair. I smile at his comment until i realize, I'm not his forever.

"I'm not your forever though." I frown.

"What?" He says making me look at him.

"Harry. You live forever. I don't. I'll die, you won't. I age, you don't. I'm not your forever." I'm almost to the point of tears. I'm not even going to mention him changing me, because I'm not sure if I even want it. He looks at me with sympathy and I just turn away.

"You are my forever Ellie. No matter what. I'll be here, all the time. I mean I could change you but.. I didn't choose this life. I wish I was human again. You really have to think about it okay? What ever you decide. I'll do it." He says kissing the top of my head. I will most defiantly think about it, but I don't want my parents to die without me or Jess, but there is no way I want to live without him either.

"I will." I small leaning in to kiss him. I turn around to where I'm facing the wall and Harry wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer. He rests his chin on my shoulder.

"I love you." I say to him.

"I love you too Ellie." He whispers in my ear.

I want to be his forever.



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