Chapter 28

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"I can't tell you here. We have to go to Zayns." He says rolling his eyes and getting into the drivers seat. I try to contemplate whether or not I should get in the car. I can't just sit out here; it's too cold. I give in and slide in the car. Thank god Harry has the heat on.

Harry pulls out of the parking lot and drives towards zayns.

"We need to talk." Harry says in a low voice I assume to zayn.

"Yeah. We're on our way." He says glancing at me and I turn towards the window.

It's so awkward you can almost feel it. My birthday was going so well. He's so over protective. It's annoying some times and cute other times. At least soon ill know what his deal is about William.

"Lets go inside." Harry says opening my door for me once we get to Zayn's house. I just nod. Harry puts his cold hand on my back and i feel it get some what warm.

"Hey guys." Zayn half smiles, I don't say anything. Me and Harry walk inside and I take a seat on his couch.

"Where's Jess." I say to zayn.

"Uh. Home." He answers. I nod and look at Harry.

"Explain. Now." I say and Harry sighs.

"He's our creator." He says looking at the ground.

"What do you mean?" I'm slightly confused.

"He created me and zayn. And our other friends. He's nothing but trouble Ellie. He wants to take you away from me. I can't have that." Harry says clenching his jaw.

"What? Why does he want me?" I ask looking at him.

"Because, when William changed me, Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall, we were under his command. We soon got tired of killing innocent humans and left him. When William found out we left he went crazy. He found Liam's girlfriend and killed her because he knew thats what meant the most to him. We then all decided William needed to be destroyed and went to fight against him. He was obviously to strong for us and killed Liam, Niall and Louis. Me and zayn finally got to him and put him to rest or buried him alive for all the bad he has done. Before we did, he told us once he got out he would ruin us. And I know for a fact that he knows if he gets to you that will ruin me. You have to stay away from him Ellie. I'm sure he would be after Jess also just to hurt Zayn. You and Zayn are all I have. If he does though I will kill him. You're mine Ellie. And always will be." Harry says looking straight into my eyes and I know he's serious.

"I will. I understand. I'll stay away. I wish you would have told me sooner." I say hugging him. I do understand why William was all up in my business the other day. The thought of him taking me away from Harry makes my heart feel pain. I can't be away from him. William must be really evil to do that to someone.

"Why are you so understanding." He says leaning his forehead on mine.

"Because if I wasn't, I would lose you." I say and kiss his cheek. He pulls away and smiles.

"So Zayn. I've been meaning to ask you actually. Have you told Jess what you are." He looks surprised by my question.

"Um no I haven't. I'm afraid she will hate me. She always talks about having her own children and dying old. I couldn't do that. I mean I can't give her that kind of life. I won't tell her. If she understands and wanted to stay with me I would have felt guilty for wasting her time with me." He states looking at the floor.

"Why would she be wasting her time?" I ask

"Because, I'm not gonna change her Ellie. She doesn't want this life. I don't. I want to be with her I do but I'm not gonna hold her back from what she wants. It doesn't matter now. I already told her I can't be with her anymore. I didn't tell her I'm a vampire though. I just can't do this. It hurts me it does but it's for the best. It's for her." Zayn begins to cry just a little and my heart sinks. I look over at Harry and we are both confused.

"Zayn. No. What the hell! You have to tell her! I mean you don't even have to change her. My god she's probably dying right now. I have to go." I'm so angry at Zayn. How could he do that to her? It doesn't have to change her right after he tells her. And how does he even know thats not what she wants?

I grab Harry's keys and run out the door. It seems like I can't get to the car fast enough. She needs me. She's probably devastated. She was there for me when Harry left and I have to be there for her.

So much is going threw my head right now. William wanting to destroy Harry. Zayn leaving Jess. I seriously can't handle this. I thought I could but I can't. William is fucking out there looking to kill me. And Jess? She's probably drowning in her own tears. She's a lot more sensitive then I am. When she calms down I will make zayn tell her what he is and why he left if its the last thing I do.

My mind then goes to what Zayn said. 'I'm not gonna change her.' Harry said he would if I asked. I still have no idea if I do. I want to be with him forever but what if I regret it after. It honestly would be perfect if we were all "vampire friends" but Zayn is probably right. Jess would probably never want to be changed.

I pull up to Jess's house and park the car. I get to the door and knock. She opens the door and looks at me. She doesn't look like I expect her to. She looks fine. Her hair isn't a mess nor her make up.

"Ellie?" Her voice cracks. Oh no it's coming.

"Jess." I breath out a reach for her arm as I step inside.

"Ellie." She sobs out and falls to the floor. My heart breaks and I close the door behind me and fall to the floor with her. I grab her in my arms and hold onto her. Her mascara is now staining my shirt and her hair a mess. Her sobs are so loud as if someone very close to her has died. Each cry makes me want to crawl away and hide in a corner. I've never seen her like this. It scares me because all I can do is hold her and tell her everything will be alright, even though it might not be.

"Is this how it felt for you? Like someone just ripped your heart out?" Jess asks between sobs.

It honestly was how I felt. I can't even describe how terrible I felt but the way she is crying is a perfect example.

"Yes." I say just above a whisper. She cries even harder.

"I'm so sorry." She sobs even louder. I squeeze my eyes shut at the sound of pain in her voice. Her head is now laying on my lap and I stroke her hair to try and calm her down. She does become a little calmer at my action but not much. I look down at her and she looks scared and hopeless.

"No. I'm sorry. Everything will be okay. I promise."

"It's hurts." She says.

"I know."


Jess isn't crying like she was now. She only really cry when she thinks about it. It's terrible to see her this way, It really is. I all I can do really is just sit here and be with her.

"Do you wanna go get some candy and movies to watch tonight. I know tomorrow is Monday but we can skip." I smile at her as we are now both seated on the couch.

"Actually yes I would." She sounds some what interested and fixes her hair in a messy bun.

"Here." I say grabbing a tissue and run it under her mascara stained eyes.

"Thanks." She lights chuckles and struggles to get off the couch and to the front door. She looks like a little old lady. Fragile and weak. She will probably be even more sore in the morning, and tired.

"Lets go." I say walking over to Harrys car and helping her in.

We pull out and I make my way over to Walmart. We get inside the store and it's funny how we actually fit in with everyone here. I'm usually more dressed and stuff but now we are just in pajamas like everyone else. It's midnight so I could care less.

We grab a buggie and push it over to the candy aisle. I let Jess ride in the basket and she grabs all sorts of bags full of chocolate and gummie stuff. There is a whole pile on her lap by the time we are done. I then run down the aisle and put my feet up on the bar so we are gliding to the electronics. Jess starts to laugh as do I. It's good to hear her laugh again, even if it is for a short while.

"Ooooooooo!!! Lets get a scary one! Like don't be afraid of the dark." Jess grins and I nod. I weave her in and out of aisle until we spot an attractive guy standing alone looking at a movie.

"Omg Jess! He's super cute." I whisper in her ear.

"Ellie stop. I just got out of a relationship that I strongly cared about. Lol! No take me over there." She has a wicked grin dancing on her lips and I obey.

"That's a good movie." Jess blurts out in his direction. He turns around, me and Jess gasp, he is literally breath taking. He has a perfect jaw line, deep green eyes, pink lips, and sandy colored hair combed to the side and a little dimple in his chin, not to deep and perfect sandy skin. He's also wearing a plaid blue button up and khakis with sperrys. Your average prep.

"Oh. Is it?" He says showing the box with the title "Evil Dead." It is good, just a little to bloody for my taste.

"Uh. Y-Yeah." Jess's voice cracks. Oh no. Please don't start crying. This was a bad idea. But to my surprise him and Jess actually hit it off really well. By the end of the conversation they end up being the best of friends. One because of course he's already taken and because she told him about the break up and cried a little on his arm. I wish he held me like that. What? Ellie no you don't, you have Harry for that and many other things. I smirk at myself an wheel Jess over to pay for our junk.

"So you gonna text him?" I ask eyeing the piece of paper he gave her with a number.

"Well yeah. Only to hangout of course." She shrugs her shoulders and puts it in her front hoodie pocket. I can tell she's still thinking about Zayn by the tears building up in her eyes.

"Um do you want a Dr. Pepper?" I ask trying to distract her, while walking over to the little fridge thing.

"Uh yeah." She says and her tears fade. I walk back over to the cashier and pay for our stuff.


"I'm sorry I messed up your birthday. I'm terrible." She whines while chewing on a gummie worm, eyes glued to the tv.

"What? No. You didn't ruin anything. This night has actually turned out better then I thought it would. I'm perfectly content sitting and being fat with you." I look over at her and we both laugh.

She seems so happy but I know inside she's breaking. I want to tell her about Zayn but it's not my place too. But then again it is because she's my best friend and I should tell her everything. I'm not sure how she will react though. Would she be afraid of Zayn? I have to. Then I will take her to Zayn and let him explain further. Yeah. Good idea.

"Jess I need to tell you something about Zayn." She stops laughing a turns towards me.

"Ellie, seriously I really don't want to talk about him. I'm done." She says sighing stuffing popcorn in her mouth.

"You really need to know why he left you though."

"What? You knew!" She almost screams at me.

"Not before he did it. But when I asked him I understood." I say getting worried of what she will say.

"What? Then tell me." She says grabbing my arm, her eyes wide.

"He's a.. Well he's a vampire." I say and of course mean it. Her reaction is exactly what I expected.

"HAHAHA!" She booms with laughter.

"Really Ellie? If this is your way of fucking with me, it really worked. Hahaha." She says laughing even more. She looks over at me and I'm not laughing at all. I'm more then serious.

"You're serious." She almost says in a whisper.

I nod. She looks at me with wide eyes and she turns pale.

"We need to talk to him."


Drama, Drama, Drama! I hope you liked this chapter!? I liked writing it :)

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