Chapter 35

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No the song wasn't particularly a happy song. But it was a slow and meaningful one. I really didn't care, all I could think about was being wrapped in Harry's arms. His scent seeping into my nostrils. His hair that was lazily laying on his forehead, tickling my cheek. The stubble on his chin slightly poking at my neck. His strong hand griping onto mine as we danced.

The music stopped playing and we stopped dancing. He lifted his head up from my shoulder and smiled at me. His fingers went up to cradle my face. "I love you." He spoke in a raspy voice.

"I love you Harry." I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him.

"Mm. Did you have a good Christmas?" He asked guiding me over to the couch to sit with him.

"I did. Defiantly is at the top of my list of best Christmases." I smile and lay my head on his chest. He agrees and begins to play with my hair. I slowly start to drift off into a warm sleep until I feel Harry instantly stop what he's doing. I look up at him, and try to study his expression. All of a sudden a very loud bang, coming from the front door makes me scream and crawl further into Harry's arms.

"AHH. Harry what was that?" I squeal. Harry's arms tighten around me.


"But Harr-" I begin to say but he covers my mouth. I know it obviously has something to do with William, but I rather not have anything ruin my Christmas. We woke up late this afternoon and by the time we finished opening presents and us dancing it was already dark. I guess there is no doubting now that it was in fact William.

"What was that?" My dad comes walking down the stairs.

"No. Sir, don't go near that door." Harry says jumping up out from under me and standing in front of my dad.

"Son. This is my house. Who ever it is or was are probably just someone here to deliver cookies." My dad chuckles and tries to get around Harry.

"Sir. I assure you, you are wrong. I mean no disrespect, but please. Go back upstairs." Harry says softly pushing a hand against my fathers chest. I see Harry's patients wearing thin as his eye begin to darken.

"Dad. Just trust him." I whisper out and my dad looks at me. He lets the words sink in for a while and nods. He slowly turns around and walks upstairs.

Harry looks over at me and then begins to walk towards the door. He opens it and looks outside. The extremely cold air seeps into the house and greets me on the couch. The porch light is broken which couldn't be anymore inconvenient for the situation, making the night look even more erie. I shiver and walk a little closer to Harry.

"Don't." He looks back at me and I stop. I hear a growl and notice something coming at Harry.

"Harry!" I screech and he turns around. Before he can move out of the way of what seems like a wooden stick coming in contact with the side of his stomach; inches from his heart. On the other side of the stake is William.

"Oh my god!" I scream putting my hand over my mouth.

"It seems the only thing in the way of getting to her, is you. Maybe this will make things easier." He says in Harry's ear. He looks up at me as if I'm absolutely disgusting before running off into the darkness, taking the stick with him. A loud thud brings me out of my trance and my attention is now on Harry.

"Harry. Oh my god. Oh my god." I say while rushing over to his side. He lifts up his hand an I grab ahold of it. I look at his stomach, but only to see a huge gash. I look at him and start sobbing. This can't happen. I can't lose him again. I thought vampires couldn't die? Right? I honestly don't know at this point.

"Ellie. I-I can't stop the bleeding." Harry says trying to look at his wound. He looks at me and coughs up blood. I don't know enough about the human body but I know couching up blood is never a good thing. I start to panic.

"No. NO. Harry. What do I do? I don't know what to do? I.." I trail of trying to go threw different situations in my head and non of them have a solution. By now there is a huge puddle of blood on the floor, surrounding him.

"Zayn. Call Zayn." I hear Harry mumble and I immediately get up and run to my phone. I call Zayn and tell him what happened and he lets me know he's on his way.

"We have to.. To get out of here. I can't risk your.. Parents getting hurt." Harry struggles on getting the words out.

"Shh it's gonna be okay." Is the only thing I say to him. I try to control my tears but am unsuccessful. My vision is blurry and I'm sure my cries loud. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs fast and know it's my dad.

"Jesus. What the hell happened?" My dad rushes over to us.

"I-I don't know. Some crazy guy just stabbed him. I don't know." I try to find words to tell at least half of the truth.

"What? Why? Why would someone do that? We have to get him to the hospital." My dad says while looking around for his car keys I assume.

"No. Dad I called his friend they are coming to pick him up." I say wiping my eyes to see at least see more of him than just a blob.

"Ellie he needs attention now." My father looks at me. I hear a car door outside and know it's Zayn.

"Zayn is here okay." I say while looking down at Harry. He barley nods and I begin to cry once again.

"We have to go." I say while trying to get up.

"We? No. You are not going. I can't risk you getting hurt also. Absolutely not-" my dad begins but I'm quick to stop him.

"Dad. He is my boyfriend. I have to. I'm not just gonna leave him. If it wasn't for him, you would have been the one laying on the floor right now. Please you have to trust me. I'm going." I start to feel angry at my father for thinking I would ever leave my dying boyfriend alone. He looks at me with his eyebrows pushed together in worry. Before he can say anything I feel Harry's hand go limp and I look over at him. I squeeze his hand and nothing. Again I panic.

"No. Zayn is here he's coming.

NOOO. NOOO NOOOOO!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He still doesn't move or say a word.



Ah yes. Cliffhanger. I hope you liked this chapter. I enjoyed writing it :)

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