Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

"No Ellie. It's not." I say to her in between sobs.

"I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry." I grip onto her tighter.

"Harry I've missed you to." She says also crying.

"I'm so sorry. I left because I couldn't bare hearing the words I thought you would say. I thought you would leave me. I thought you would be afraid of me. I just felt so guilty at what I did, right in front of you. Ellie I'm so sorry please forgive me. I love you." I say letting go of her and looking at her in the eyes.

Ellie's POV.

After Harry's explanation the song 'All I Want' comes on and my heart aches. I think back to when Harry sang to me the other night. And the lyrics fit perfectly with what I felt.

'If you loved me, why'd you leave me?'

"Harry. I've missed you so much. You don't know how much you hurt me. But of course I forgive you. I understand now why you left. But you should have known I would never be afraid of you. I love you Harry. Don't leave me again. Please." I almost beg.

"Never Ellie. Never again. I promise." He says and pulls me into a hug and doesn't let go. "I cant stay mad at you." i chuckle and he smiles.

We start to slow dance to the song. I have my head in Harry's neck and both of his arms are wrapped around my back. He whispers sweet things in my ear and I grip onto him tighter. I cant believe we didn't have a huge screaming fest on how he left and all that. I just couldn't. I love him so much i just forgave him. I hope it wont back fire on me later. I can't let him slip away from me. Not again. The music soon stops and we pull away.

Harry looks at me then crashes his lips with mine. It's the most amazing thing I have felt in a long time. It's so passionate that I really believe we will last forever. I have missed him so much. Maybe I did take him back to easily but I love him. I can't let him go.

"Let's go inside." He whispers barley pulling away. I nod and we go inside hand in hand.

"So I assume you two made up." Zayn says looking at Harry.

"Yes. We did. And if he does it again. I'm not forgiving him." I say and I mean it. Harry just chuckles nervously and gets the attention off of us.

"Well when are you two gonna start dating." Harry says winking at Jess.

"Oh uh. I don't know. Ha." Jess says stuffing her face with food, not looking up at us. Her face is now really red.

"Um well. I'm just looking for the right time Harry." Zayn says patting Harry on the back hard enough for Harry to loose his breath and start coughing.

"Well man. I think now is the time." Harry pushes zayn towards Jess who is still starring at her food. Zayn just glares at Harry and clears his throat.

"Uh. Jess?" He says walking around to where she's sitting and helps her stand.

"Y-Yes?" She stutters. I can't help but smile like a weirdo. She's so nervous its cute.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Zayn says grabbing her hand.

"Yes!" You just see Jess glowing with excitement. Zayn kisses her and they hug one last time.

"Hehe. That was cute!" I say and they both blush.

"So what do you guys want to do tonight?" Harry asks a little awkwardly. I guess he feels uncomfortable because he hasn't been here awhile. I squeeze his hand and he relaxes a little.

"Well it's 9. I have an idea." I grin to all of them. They look at me oddly but I just get my keys and motion them to follow me.


"Here we are." I say stopping on the side of the road.

"A field." Jess groans. She's not very out doorsy, but I am so she's gonna have to get over it.

"Yes. This is where I went for my "alone time" Tuesday." I say and Harry looks at the ground because he understands why I came here. I look away and climb out of the jeep. We walk for a while, until the jeep is tiny in view and sit down with only a field light to help us see a little.

"Now lay down and just stare at the stars." I say while Harry lays down next to me and I grab his hand. We sit there for a while and I assume every one is relaxed because they are all just smiling and looking up.

"Guys." I say.

"What?" They say in unison.

"let's play tag." I grin.

"Haha what? Ellie we aren't five." Jess says laying back down the boys just look at me.

"Oh well in that case. You're it!" I say and all three of us run off.

"Uh! Thats not fair I wasn't ready!" Jess screams, struggling to get up. She starts to run towards zayn, but he's to fast for her, its funny because even .in human speed she cant get him. She then stops and starts to run towards me, or Harry?

"Harry no get away from me! Run your own way." I laugh and push him away. He smiles and turns around. I then look back and she's gone so I slow to a stop and wonder who's it.

"Who's it?" I yell to the boys.

"Ellie!" Zayn says pointing behind me and before I know it Jess tackles me to the floor.

"You are!" She laughs and I can't help but join her. Soon the boys are surrounding us and are laughing also. It feels nice to laugh like this. I've missed it so much. We play a few more games of tag until its 1am. We then start to make our way towards the car.

"Wait Harry stand right there." I say to him while I run behind him.

"What why?" He says turning around.

"Harry turn back around!" I whine and he obeys. I start to run towards him and jump on his back. He catches on and jumps to help me up a little more and holds onto my legs.

"A piggy back ride." I say while kissing his cheek and he grins. Jess then does the same to zayn.

"Tonight was fun, right guys?" I ask them

"It was actually. Well needed." Jess says and I nod. I wrap my arms around Harry's neck and he kisses my hand.

"I love you. I won't leave again." He whispers.


I wake up with Harry next to me. I smile and get up to go make some coffee. I get out a muffin and warm it in the microwave. I grab my coffee and muffin, and sit down at the table.

"Good morning." I almost jump at Harry's raspy morning voice. He walks over and wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck.

"I have to hunt. Ill be back in a sec okay?" He says and I nod.

"Kiss me." He leans down and does what I ask. He then says he loves me and walks threw the door and is gone. I smile to myself.

He came back. Just like they said he would.

He came back.


I hope there aren't to many errors!?!? Ill fix them in a sec! I just wanted to get the new chapter up already.


Love ya!

Analise 💕

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