Chapter 8

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My alarm goes off at 9:00 am. I jump out of bed and already have a text from Harry at exactly 9. I smile as I read the text.

"Good morning beautiful! Be ready by 10! .x "

Only an hour!? Well I guess that's all the time I need to go to a park. I walk to my closet, and grab a cute sundress I got from forever 21. I do my make up and put my hair in a side braid. I look at my phone an it's 10:30. I text Harry and with in the next 10 minutes his in front of my house. I kiss my mother good bye and get in his range rover.

"Hey!" I give him a peck on the cheek. He just grins and takes my hand in his. Damn, his hand is so cold, but I hold it anyway.

We soon arrive at the park at 11. Harry walks around to open my door for me.

I must say he has come a long way since I first saw him at school.

"You look beautiful by the way." He speaks. I just grin at him and look at the ground. "Hey. You believe me, don't you?" He questions. I just smile again, but this time I look at him in the eyes and say, "Thank you." While he leans into kiss me.

We walk around looking at the ducks in the pond and so on. It's nice just walking with him. Holding hands, and just talking about everything and everything; ugh I like him so much. I am really lucky to call him mine. We go to sit on a bench when we suddenly hear a little kid start to cry. We both look over and the poor kid had tripped and scraped his knee. There was little blood but it was visible. I feel Harry's hand tense under mine. I look up at him and he's just starring at the kid.

"Harry. Harry?" I look at him wide eyed. "Are you okay? It's just a little blood. He'll be okay." I reassure him.

"W-What? Yeah. I'm okay. Thanks. Lets go get uh something to eat. Yeah?" He stammers and basically drags me to his car. We drive off and end up at Olive Garden.

"Hello. How many?" The hostess asks Harry eyeing him up and down. Bitch. I grab Harry's hand and pull him in closer to me and say "two" with a smirk. Harry looks at me confused and I just smile at him. He's mine.

Our food finally comes and I have never seen Harry eat as much as I am now. He looks so.. Hungry. Damn. I slowly finish my meal also.

After we were done the waiter took our plates and me an Harry just sat at the table. We talked and talked. It was then I realized I could even possibly love him. Could I? I've only known him for a month. But every time I looked at him I got butterflies in my stomach. When we kiss, it feels amazing, like I'm meant for him and he's meant for me. When I finally get away from my thoughts I realize I am kissing Harry, and we some how got outside. His hands are wrapped tightly around my waist and mine around his neck. There's faint music playing from inside the restaurant. It was literally a perfect kissing scene from a movie. It felt so right.

We finally pulled away and all I could do was smile. He did the same.

"Harry. I-I love you." I say a little shyly. He just looks at me with a soft smile. Shit. I screwed it up. I look at the ground, only to feel a strong hand pull my chin back up.

"And I love you too Ellie." He says pulling me into a tight hug. Relief washes over me and I suddenly feel like I wanna cry. I felt so wanted. I really do love him. We pull away and start to walk hand and hand to his car. Suddenly I hear Harry's stomach growl. Um?

"Harry. Um? Ha. Are you hungry? Still?" I ask him in disbelief.

"Um. No." He says quietly. What? I swear I heard his stomach growl. Hmm. Maybe not.

We are soon parked in front of his house. Oh. "I thought maybe you could stay here tonight. Yeah?" He asks me. I just nod an smile. Aw he wants me to stay with him. He grins and helps me out of the car. We finally get inside and he immediately guides me to his room. As we walk threw I realize how empty his house is. No parents. A little sad.

"Are you tired?" He asks me as we enter his room. It's simple really. Light grey walls. Queen size bed. It's cozy.

"Yes actually." I look at him. He grabs a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers out of his dresser.

"Here you can sleep in this." He says handing me his clothes. I nod and he says I can change in his bathroom. I get up from the bed and walk a couple feet until I'm in the restroom. I open up his t-shirt and it looks quite big. I put it on anyway and put on his boxers.

I come out and my mouth drops open when I see Harry's naked chest. Oh my god. He has tattoos and his body is just perfect. He looks at me and I'm snapped out of admiring him.

"You ready for bed?" He asks getting under the covers and motions for me to do the same. I get under too and turn to where I'm looking at Harry; face to face. He leans into kiss me and again it's amazing. He pulls away to turn of the lamp. It soon gets dark and I feel his strong arms wrap them selves around me. I cuddled underneath his arm which is just a little warm, still cold but i didn't care. I whispered an "I love you." In his ear. His grip got just a little tighter. I soon start to drift off when I hear him speak and my heart flutters at his words.

"And I love you. I'll never leave you. Promise."


It's short I know. Sorry:( I will write more next time! PROMISE


Love ya ❤


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