Chapter 7

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"So why are in Texas if you're British?" I ask noticing his accent.

"Because I was originally from England and I guess I moved here because I just wanted to get away." He says flatly.

"Do you have parents?" I asked. I mean we have been acting like best friends for the past 2 weeks, I think it's safe to ask.

"No. Uh they died." I give him a sympathetic look he notices because he continues. "But it was a long time ago." He says smiling.

After im done drinking my coffee me and harry drive to my place to have movie night since it was Friday; we do this every Friday now. We get to my house and my parents were gone. They were lawyers, it's not surprising. We walk inside, take our shoes off and sit on the couch. I put in my favorite movie "Battle Ship".

I bring the popcorn I have been making and put it between us.

"Want some?" I ask while shoving a fist full of popcorn in his face.

"Um ha ha, maybe just a little." He says opening his mouth while I let the popcorn fall in. He chews slowing with a weird expression.

"I forgot how gross popcorn was." He says swallowing with a struggle. I just looked at him shocked. What?

"What! Who doesn't like popcorn. Oh my gosh." I gasp. He just laughs and pulls me into his chest, as we continue to watch the movie. He strokes my hair and I can't help but get a little sleepy. It feels so good. The movie finally ended. I get up to put the popcorn bowl in the sink but Harry's hand grabs mine.

"Ellie." He says in a deeper voice then usual. I'm a little intimidated.

"Y-Yeah?" I stammer looking at him. He stands and grabs the bowl out of my hands and puts it on the coffee table. He wraps one arm around my waist and the other around my back.

"I have to ask you something." He breathes heavily like he's nervous. I must say I am nervous to, we've never been this close before. "Ellie Mae Milligan, will you be my girlfriend?" He says slow while looking at me straight in my eyes.

I was in shock. I've liked him for so long. Maybe even since the first time I saw him, I just didn't want to admit it.

"Of course Harry. Of course." I say while putting my hand on his cheek. He grinned and started to move closer to me; if possible. Before I knew it his lips were on mine. It wasn't a sloppy kiss, it was perfect. I've always dreamt my first kiss would feel this way; I felt like I've known him forever, I felt safe, and wanted.

He pulls away, and I can't help but feel naked without his lips connected with mine.

"I have to go." He speaks in my neck. Oh.

"Alright." I smile.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow okay. We're gonna go to the park." He says with a smirk while walking to the door. I follow him and tug on the back of his shirt. He turns around and I wrap my arms around his neck, he soon catches on and slowly leans down to kiss me.

"Goodbye babe." He says giving me a last kiss on the forehead and then he leaves.

I can't help but feel all giddy inside. 'I have a boyfriend. And it's Harry styles.' I just kept repeating in my head over and over. I walk upstairs to my room and look at my self in the mirror. Jesus. I need a complete make over. I look at the clock to see whether or not I have time to look my best for in the morning. It's 12 am but I have time.

I hop in the shower. shave my legs, then get out. I wrap my hair in my towel and look at my eye brows. I get a pair of tweezers and start plucking the unwanted hair put my eyebrows. When I'm done I put a nose trip on; I don't have many blackheads, but just to make sure.

When I'm done my body feels so clean and just perfect. My body is moisturized with my lotion, no more unibrow, no more blemishes, and defiantly no more hairy legs. I get into my pajamas, climb into bed and immediately fall asleep.


We know the chapters are short and we promise they will get longer deeper into the story! COMMENT and VOTE please! We appreciate it so much!

Love ya ❤


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