Chapter 18

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I can't help but feel lonely when zayn leaves. It's my fault I told him to leave. But I am also glad he left, I don't want him hovering over me. Since I didnt take a shower yesterday I might as well take one now. No. A bath. Much more relaxing.

I light a lavender smelling candle and put it on the bathroom counter and put peppermint oil inside the water in the bathtub. This stuff really helps relax my muscles, which I desperately need. I put my hair in a bun and get in. The water is so hot and feels amazing. I grab my phone that is laying on the floor and check to see if I have any messages.

Of course not. Everyone is in school. And what was I expecting? Harry to text me and tell me he's coming to see me? Why even set myself up for that. I threw my phone on the counter and let my body and eyes rest.


I get out and dress in my pajamas. I walk down stairs and make popcorn. I don't feel like doing anything today. I literally feel broken so I just put in a movie to watch. I sit on the couch and watch "Something Borrowed".

"Come on Dex! Rachel wants you!" I yell at the screen while stuffing my face with popcorn, and tears running down my face. That's all Rachel wants is Dex. She finally tells him she loves him then he shoots her down. Asshole!

The movie is over and I find myself laying on the couch crying. No Ellie stop. You're better then this. You need to get up and go in your room, put your best dress on and go find yourself a man! I finally find the motivation I need and get up from the couch marching towards the stairs. Then I remember why I'm doing this. Harry. I then give up and fall on the floor. I roll on my back ad stare at the ceiling.

Where are my parents? I don't think they have been here since last week. They just left without saying anything. Well who knows they probably left a note in the kitchen but I haven't cared to notice. I just want someone I can talk to, who understands my feelings, who understands me. But that person is Harry.

"Nooooo!" I groan and flip over to where my face is flat on the carpet. I look at my phone and its only 12:30 pm. I decide that maybe I should just go get some coffee at Starbucks. I have nothing else to do and I still feel depressed but I can't just mope around forever.

I walk upstairs and put on some sweats, a hoodie and my UGGS. I grab my keys then make my way to my jeep. I've missed it so much, I'll be driving it around everyday now since.. Harry kind of left.

I drive down the street and walk inside Starbucks. The guy at the cash register is a little to flirty, which I obviously don't have time for. I make it clear to him I'm not in the mood by rolling my eyes and he backs off. Dick.

I then make my way over to pick up my coffee and walk out. I linger in my car for a while until I figure out what I want to do. Should I go home? No. It's to sad in that place. I make up my mind and put my car in reverse. I drive and drive until I come up to a field of grass. I park my car then get out and start walking. I walk for about twenty minutes then I plop myself down on the grass and drink my coffee.

While I'm sitting I try to decide what I'm gonna do with out Harry. He hasn't called or anything. Maybe something happened to him. No. He's a vampire nothing can happen to him. Maybe he left and went back to England. As I continue to think about him I find myself crying. I can't do this. I need to force him in the back of my mind and thats exactly what I do.

I wonder what happened to Patrick. I hope he is okay. Should I go visit him? No Ellie stop thats stupid. But I do owe it to him, he got beat up by my boyfriend. But it wasn't my fault he came on to me. Ugh. Just go Ellie. No! I can't Harry would be so pissed at me for going.

I'm going.


"Hi um I'm looking for Patrick?" I ask the nurse at the desk. She looks threw the files and looks up.

"Yes he's in room 214." She smiles.

I thank her and make my way to the second floor. I look all over and finally find his room. I knock and wait for a response.

"Come in." His voice is shaky.

I walk in and he gasps. He looks behind me and tries to back in closer to his bed like he actually has anywhere to go.

"Patrick. He's not here. I just came to see how you were doing. Last time I saw you, you weren't moving." I say look at all the bruises on his face. He looks terrible I can't help but feel bad for him. I know he bullied me but he almost died, right in front of me.

"Oh well Ellie I'm.. I'm really sorry for everything. Everything." He repeats. I just nod and sit down. We talk for a little but only about how the hospital food is. I look at my phone and it's 8:30.

"Well I should be getting home. It's good that you're okay. See ya around." He nods and puts his arms up for a hug but I shake my head no. I'm not hugging him. I only came to make sure he was alive nothing else. He smiles and nods as of he understands and I walk out. I get home and zayn and Jess are there.

"Jesus! Where were you?" Zayn questions me.

"Um okay dad? I was out getting coffee and just needed some alone time." I say and he just nods. I decide not to bring up Patrick. I can't risk zayn telling Harry then Harry actually killing Patrick.

"So has Harry tried talking to you?" Jess asks and zayn glares at her. He obviously knows the wound is still fresh.

"Uh. No. He hasn't." I look down at my hands and feel a tear drop fall on them. Jess immediately rushes over and comforts me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Are coming to school tomorrow? Because if not I can get your work for you." She asks.

I start to think about it. I should go but I rather much stay here and drown in my tears. What if I see Harry there? I would for sure have another brake down like last night. But I'm sure I'm stronger than that.

"Um yeah. I'll go." I half smile at them and they both grin.

"I'm gonna stay with you tonight okay?" Jess says and I nod.

Jess gives zayn a kiss goodbye and he leaves after giving me a hug.

"Are you and zayn dating?" I ask her.

"Um no. He hasn't asked me yet. But I hope he will soon." Jess says cautiously trying not to talk about relationships to much.

"Well lets get ready for bed." She says pointing to the stairs. We both get up there, take showers and get in our pajamas.

I walk over to my bed and fix it to wear me and her can both sleep on it. I move my pillow and see a strip of paper. When I get closer to it I realize it's pictures me and Harry took at the fair in a photo booth. And of course I start to bawl.

Jess comes out of the bathroom and looks at me confused then sees the pictures in my hands and takes them away. She pulls the covers back and pulls me under then with her and holds me.

"He'll come back."



Love ya!

Analise ❤

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