Chapter 41

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Ellie's POV

"Again!" Harry's voice echoes threw the old gym that he has me and Jess training in. I thought being a vampire would be easy, but it's harder. I am actually sweating. And my feet are killing me.

"You have to punch it harder Ellie! Make the chain rip off of the ceiling." Harry points to the punching bag in front of me and then walks over to Jess. I roll my eyes and hit the bag as hard as I can. It stays intact. I roll my eyes again and start to feel my face get hot. I have had enough of this thing. I bring my arm back as far as I can and clinch my teeth.

"UGHHHH!" I scream and punch the bag. The bag flys across the room, past Harry and Jess and collides with the brick wall. I calm down my breathing and smile.

"Like that?" Harry starts to clap as I walk past him to get some water. Before I can reach down to get the bottle Harry runs over and snatches it from me.

"Harrrrrrryyyyyyy! Give it back. I'm thirsty!" I start to whine like a child.

"Fine." Harry shrugs and then throws the bottle towards the wall behind me. "Catch it." He winks at me. I huff and turn around seeing at how much time I have before it hits the floor. Not much but maybe I'll be fast enough? I begin to run and just when I reach my arm out to catch it, Harry does first.

"Not fast enough." He tosses it again and I push him out of the way and run across the gym. I jump up the bleaches and see the bottle in mid air. Out of the corner of my eye I see something flying my way.

"Ah!" I scream when Harry collides into me, knocking me out of reach for the bottle. He looks up and catches the bottle coming towards my head.

"I hate you." I glare at him and throw him off of me. I'm proud I can actually do that now.

"You'll never learn babe." Harry chuckles and hands me the bottle. I snatch it from him and walk outside.

"We're leaving!" I scream and hear the other two following behind me. I get inside Harry's car and sigh as the cold leather hits my exposed skin.

"Tired already?" Jess chirps when she slams the car door behind her.

"Like you aren't?" I huff.

"I am actually." She sighs. I don't say anything. I'm starting to think I'm not good at this. Harry spent so much time with Jess today, I'm sure because she's better than me. I look over and him. He glares at me and shakes his head. I know he can hear my discouraged thoughts, I roll my eyes and slump further in my seat.

"Do you guys wanna eat?" Harry asks, eyeing the road ahead.

"Yes! Some Subway!" Jess screams from behind me. Me and Harry both look at each other and then back at her.

"What?" She begins to blush.

"I was counting down how long it would take you to forget what you are now." I chuckle. Her shoulders slump as she registers what I had just said. "Fine. Maybe a little bunny running around some where!" She says sarcastically.

"No need for attitude. I have food at home." Harry smiles and grabs my hand.

"Zayn?" Jess calls out like a lost puppy once we get to his house.

"How'd it go?" Zayn asks while walking into the kitchen, Jess attached to his back.

"Fine." I shrug.

"She did great." Harry hugs me from behind and hands me a cup of blood.

"I guess." I smile and take a drink. "Jess did quit well."

"Did you?" Zayn asks while putting her down and kissing her forehead. She giggles and we all sit down to eat dinner. The boys talk about their high school days and how Harry and his friend Louis used to get in trouble everyday.

"We were in class and Louis just kept talking back to the teacher. I mean she would talk back too, and that's what made it so damn funny. The things he would say. One time she actually made him go down to the headmasters office. I told her if he was going than I was too. Haha. I miss him sometimes." Harry says looking down at his empty cup. I hate when Harry talks about Louis. Not in a bad way, I just hate seeing Harry sad. I can see how much Louis meant to him. I look over at Jess and wonder how my life would be without her. Boring as hell thats for sure. I couldn't stand losing her. I'm not as strong as Harry. He's done a pretty good job copping with Louis so far.

"Well. Who wants to lose against me over some wii tennis?" I slap Harry's knee as I change the subject. He looks over at me and smiles.

"Sure id love to watch you lose!" Harry laughs and we both stand to get the game set up.

"Harry. For real. You're cheating!" I scold him while I watch the ball move from my screen from his.

"How am I cheating!?"

"You are doing fast balls like your cool." I roll my eyes and here the other couple giggle from behind me.

"Am not." He huffs.

"Fine." I smile when it's my turn to serve. I bring the remote up and swing it back down as fast as I can. The ball flies by Harry and into the wall. My point. Next game, my point, my point, my freakin point!

"Wow." Harry looks at me.

"I win. Sucks." I till my head to the side and pout my lips at him. He just shakes his head and we hand the remote to the other two. I plug in my music to the tv and pick a song. "Says she loves me" is the first song that plays and I immediately start to dance. This song is just so hard not to.

"C'mon!" I hold my hands out to Harry and he smiles

"And we just met but I like you. Seems like the type thats got something to prove." Harry sings to me and we continue to dance around the living room clapping our hands to the beat.

"She always says she loves me when we're drinkin!" All four of us sing in unison.

Zayn ends up winning the game against Jess, it's now 2 in the morning and we all decide to go to bed.

"You know, I always thought vampires didn't sleep?" I call out to Harry from outside the bathroom.

"We aren't in twilight babe." He yells and I roll my eyes. I blow dry my hair and wait for Harry to join me in bed. The bathroom door opens and steam follows Harry out into the room.

"Hey." I say snuggling further into my pillow.

"Tired?" Harry says opening the blanket to inch inside next to me.

"I am." I blink my eyes slowly and feel a soft kiss to my forehead. I permanently close my eyes and begin to dream.


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