Chapter 17

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It's Monday already and I really don't want to see Patricks stupid face. Don't get me wrong he's attractive but he's a dick. I can't believe I wasted 2 years on him. What a waste.

Since its Monday I decide to wear jeans, a pink t-shirt and toms. I go to the bathroom and straighten my hair. I decide to put on mascara and brown eye shadow to bring out my blue eyes. I walk down stairs and pour some coffee in a to go cup. I feel my phone buzz and assume its Harry telling me he's here. I grab my bag and keys then walk outside. He waits for me and opens the door to let me in, then walks around to his side and we are off to school.

"You look relaxed today." Harry says smiling at me.

"Well it is Monday." I grin.

We pull up to the school and walk up hand in hand. We make our way to Jess and zayn who are holding hands also. Oh? I look over and see Patrick smiling at me. Prick.

"Hey guys!" I say and Jess turns around with a grin and smiles at me. Then Zayn goes to give me a hug. He looks really happy. After we all get done hugging we talked for a while longer until the bells rings.

"Well here we go!" Harry says putting his arm around my waist following Jess and zayn inside. He drops me off at first period.

"I love you so much Ellie." He grins at me very wide. He just made my day amazing.

"I love you to Harry." I say giving him a quick peck on the lips and make my way into class.

We go first threw 7 really fast. Only one more class. I go to my locker and open the door to find a note falling out of it. I open it and it reads:

' Meet me at the front of the school right after 8th ;) '

I assume it was from Harry so I obey. I put my books away that I won't need and make my way to 8th. The class goes by really fast. As soon as the bell rings I make my way to the front. I walk and see no sign of Harry anywhere.

"You came." I know that voice. Shit. Shit. Shit. Patrick. I knew something wasn't right. I'm so dumb.

"What the hell do you want." I say looking at him in disgust.

"I want you." He says hitting the books out of my hands and slamming me against the wall making me squeal.

Harry's POV

"I guess Ellie didn't want to wait for me today." I say while walking past her locker to Jess and zayn.

"Hey where's Ellie?" Zayn questions.

"I guess she's waiting for us at the front." I shrug and we start to make our way there. We talk and walk a little while longer until I hear someone squeal. I know that scream. Ellie. I start to jog down the hall.

I finally spot her with Patrick pressed against her and his lips connected with hers. You can clearly tell she's struggling.

Words cannot describe how angry I am right now. Mother fucker. I start to speed walk towards them, while Ellie continues to punch his chest but he won't budge.

Prick is about to die.

Ellie's POV

I continue to punch his chest but he won't move. Then finally I feel him being lifted off of me. I feel proud of myself for being strong until I hear a loud bang and look at what happen. When I finally focus I see it's Harry. He swung Patrick by his shirt into the wall behind him and made the tile fall off.

He grabbed him back up and bashed is head into the floor. Patrick is frantically swinging his arms trying to get a hit on Harry. Harry pins down his arms and starts to give him blows to the head. At this point there is blood everywhere. I start to panic.

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