Night Talk

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Even though the night was young time was still against me. My pops would be home from work soon, and I hadn't even thought about going home. I would risk getting my tail tore up just to get to know Antonio. He wasn't your typical Hispanic from around the way. He was very well spoken from what you could understand behind his thick accent. He stood about six foot, green eyes, and big lips with a slight lazy walk. Just by observation I could tell he was well groomed.

The connection at that moment let me know that I wasn't going home anytime soon. His eyes were so soft that I could get lost in them. Smiling and staring him in his eyes I knew he had a story to tell. The chemistry between us grew quickly and the only thing I wanted to do was leave the party. I had to know him so I waited for the opportunity to present itself.

He asked "You got some plans tonight other than bein here?" that's when I went in for the kill. "No. After this, I was gonna go home." I lied a little bit, I knew I wasn't going straight home after the kick back, but I wanted him to know that he wouldn't have a chance at taking me home. Antonio's eyes lit up and he gently grabbed my hand "You wanna go somewhere and talk? It's kinda loud in here and I wanna get to know a little more about you." My heart started racing but I couldn't give up the moment to talk with him.

We both scanned the room to see if anyone had seen us walking together. He grabbed my hand before we could get out the door good. If I had known this night would have been like this, I would have dressed up a little more. His scent was so pleasant I stood a little closer to him. "You don't look like a Stephanie." Looking down at me he smiled a little harder, almost as if the sight of me excited him. Nervously I chuckled "what is a Stephanie supposed to look like?" Challenging him with the name game Antonio grinned.

I could tell he was nervous and so was I. We walked for hours talking about life dreams, goals, and aspirations. It was good to know that someone from the hood wanted more than sex, drugs, and women. Antonio was something different almost like he was cut from a different cloth. This fly dude from the hood, as we called them "hood niggas", wanted so much out of life that my curiosity continued to grow the more we talked.

"I'm just a hood nigga with skills." Was the only thing I heard come out of his mouth. His eyes caught my attention. The way the light bounced off his soft green eyes let me know that I was safe with him. The deeper I stared the more lost I became. "Stephanie are you okay?" Was the only thing I heard after snapping out of my trance. I glanced over at him before turning my attention to the lake. "Your eyes remind me of something." He looked over at me as if he wanted to ask questions.

"Your eyes remind me of a laugh now cry later picture." He scooted closer to me "What do you mean?" I looked over at him before turning back to the lake "You have a story to tell"...

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