The night after

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The walk home was quick and sweet. I made sure to give Antonio a long tight hug before I made my way over to the east side. I couldn't get in the door good before I heard my parents arguing over money. My little sisters were sitting on the steps waiting for drama to end. My youngest sister went on to play with the local neighbor hood kids who were always up at the crack of dawn. The other two soon followed. Dragging my feet across the door way I seen my father raise his hands to my mother. Everything in me wanted to stop it but I was way too tired. Ignoring the usual I made my way to my room. Antonio was on my mind every minute of every hour.

Tired from the night before my body gave in. I slept most of the day without any interruption. I heard my mother coming in and out of my room checking on me. It didn't matter that I hadn't come home the night before, my mother was just happy I made it home. I knew once I was well rested she would tear me a new hole, but for now she would give me a pass.

Once again my father was gone and my mother was packing the girls up to leave. Walking into my parents room I sat at the edge of my mothers bed. "Where you and the girls going, Ma?" She looked at me as if she wanted to slap the piss out of my mouth. She kept a calm composure for the sake of the girls. "The girls and I are going to your grandmothers. Just until things calm down between me and your daddy."

A sense of fear swept over my body. I knew that once she left Uncle Tim would strike again. "Momma please don't go. I'm sure everything will be fine by tonight." Momma kept packing clothes for her and the girls. She ignored my begging and walked past me as if I was never in the room. "Stephanie your a big girl now. You don't need momma like your sisters do. You are almost an adult and I'm going to start treating you as such."

My ears started to bleed from her words. My momma was letting me off the hook, like she was throwing in the towel. Her battle with trying to save her marriage was finally over. The battle was finally over and both had lost the war. Even though their marriage wasn't mines, it felt I had been defeated. Neither one considered my feelings in things. They would just up and leave when things got too rough.

In the midst of the storm uncle Tim was rolling over like a fat rat. He would wait right good until shit hit the fan for him to make his way to me. It didn't matter that he was my fathers younger brother. Tim had a thing for me and he showed it.

Tim was the youngest of my father's eight siblings. Tim and I were only 10 years and a few months apart. He had his fair share of women, but to him none of those women compared to me. If Tim could have things his way, he would run off with me and keep pumping me with inbred babies. The thought of that nasty pervert almost made me throw up in my mouth, but I kept it cool. "Be safe momma I love you" was all I could get out before the tears came falling.

"Stephanie don't cry baby. You are my ride or die and I know you can hold the fort down." She kissed me on my forehead and walked out the room. I stood at the window as my mother was about to pull off, she turned towards me and yelled "I love you too baby girl, hold it down for momma until I get back." Then she drove off. It would be a while before I heard from her and the girls, so I mentally prepared myself for what was to come.

By the time momma and the girls left I had a plan to keep Tim away. I knew my parents weren't coming home for a while, so I got smart and put locks on the doors. Every move was discreet and Tim would have no way of getting a hold of me.

By the time I was finished with my secret plan the phone was ringing. I started not answer it but something told me pick up. Answering the phone I was shocked by the phone one the other end of the receiver. "Hello", "Hey beautiful" was all I heard through his thick heavy accent. My night in shinning armor called just in time...

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