It's Been Real

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Sitting at the table I took one last look around the house. All the memories that my and family and I created in this home was now packed up. Someone else would create newer memories with a fresh start. No one deserved to move in a home that was once broken. I was proud of the work I had put in to make this house a home for someone new. Hopefully they would create peaceful memories. Once I locked the doors to this house my parents once owned, whatever problems came about would be someone else's. My hands were clean of that house, and I wanted to keep things that way.

Breaking my daze I began writing a letter to Antonio. This would be my truth's for truth, my declarations, my confessions. Hopefully he would understand where I was coming from and why I really made the decision to move. I would go on to write a three page letter. I couldn't deny that I was in love with this man. We had grown together, fell in love, and overcome a war between the blacks and Hispanics. God had truly placed this man in my life for a reason. Every man that had passed me up because I wasn't what they wanted, Antonio was brave enough to pick up the package. I fell short at times but truthfully I was a good woman. He had everything he had been looking for in me. It still hurt that the times that I needed him he wasn't there, but my heart was too big to hate anyone. I had forgiven him the day I packed my things and left that Garcia residence. Antonio would read everything in the letter that I would leave behind.

As I got up from the table a smile crept across my face. I closed the letter and wrote Antonio's name on the front. I knew Antonio like a book. By the time I took off he would be at my old place reading the letter, but what he didn't know is what would happen next.

A yellow cab pulled in front of the house beeping the horn. Grabbing my bags it was time for me to go on my journey. Walking up the cab I took one last look at the my old house. A sense of happiness had fallen over me. I would be leaving on a good note. Placing my bags in the trunk of the cab, I remembered that I had forgotten something. Running back in the house I quickly placed the plane ticket next to the letter. Running back to the door I remembered one more thing. Standing over the letter and the plane ticket, I placed an ultrasound under the letter. It was official I was three in a half months pregnant. I hid it well for this moment.

The love of my life would be on a plane to be with 'us'. Little did he know I had already set up things for him to work closely with an art teacher who taught special needs children. Once he stepped foot on that plane Antonio's life would change. He would be a father, a school teacher, and a Michigan state student. Oakland couldn't keep Bonnie and Clyde confined in its trapped walls. It was time for us to venture off and experience new things. Love conquered all and thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Garcia I had their good graces to take their son out of the hood. He was in good hands, and the love I had for Antonio he would always be safe.

Running out to the cab, I jumped in the back seat. As the cab rode off I said my last goodbye's the house I once grew up in. turning my attention to the ride of head of me, everything from that point on would now be in the back of my mind. It was time set things up for my family. Antonio had a three hour flight ahead of him. Me and the baby would be up waiting for daddy to get home with dinner ready. I was excited for the future, though we were young God had us and I knew we would make it through whatever was thrown at us. If we had survived Oakland, I knew that we could take on Michigan without a doubt.

Oakland it's been real... Michigan State here we come....

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