One Week - Flashback.

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It had been a week since I woke up almost naked, connected to a billion wires in a white room that burned my eyes from the brightness of it. Seven days since I've been kidnapped and been a testing subject. Being poked and probed isn't my favorite thing in the world and I made that known. 

They keep telling me to stop resisting, and I keep telling them to fuck off. It all ends with a needle being inside me and taking a nap shortly after. 

They think I'll eventually give in and stop fighting. 

They're so very wrong.

I've been trained to fight and protect myself since I could walk and talk. To never give up and to never give in. I'm as stubborn as they come. So there is no way in hell I'm going to give up and stop fighting them. 

They'd have to kill me first.

Sitting in the corner behind my bunk, I hugged my knees as I stared at the door. I could smell and sense the guard behind it. Ever since I woke up, something in me is different. I had heightened senses. It felt.. weird, strange, and overwhelming.

The lock on the door opened and in came a familiar looking face. One I had seen a few times since I've been here. He was nice enough, but the thought of wanting to stab him in the neck with the plastic fork they give me for food always crossed my mind. It wasn't his fault, it's just me trying my best to escape from this hell hole, and violence is bound to happen.

He looked at me after the door closed behind him. He carried the tray he always did as he brought me food to eat. It reminded me of school food. Tasted of cardboard.

He put the tray down in front of my feet with a sigh before taking a seat across from me on the floor. "You should eat something, Callahan."

I glanced up at him as he studied me.  His dark hair was slightly disheveled, as if he just woke up from a nap. He had gorgeous blue eyes and long dark lashes. He sported a crisp green t-shirt that outlined his clearly muscular chest, the normal green and brown camouflage military grade pants. 

I didn't know his name but it seemed like he knew everything about me, including what my soul looked like every time he looked at me with that intimidating stare. "You should mind your own business, blue eyes."

He snickered, his lips curling up into a small smirk as he leaned his back against the wall. "Braxton, Aiden Braxton."

I bet he was just waiting to say that. I rolled my eyes away from him, looking down at my so called lunch. Chicken and mashed potatoes.. again. Must be leftovers from last night. "What do you want?" I asked.

"I want a lot of things. For instance I want to go back to my bunk and finish reading, so if you would kindly eat your lunch." He nudged his hand towards the platter of food.

I rose a brow at him as I glanced up. "I'd rather starve." I said stubbornly.

He rolled his eyes now and shook his head. "Stop being so stubborn. It's just food."

"Food that tastes like ass." I shoved the tray of food towards him, some corn sliding out and landing on his shoe. "You eat it."

He glared over at me, shooting daggers before he stood up with an annoyed groan. "Suit yourself then." He mumbled as he walked over to the door and knocked on it. The door opened and the guard escorted him out, but not without looking at me and the food left on the floor.


It had been two hours since my personal server left, leaving me to stew in my own frustration. I eventually took a bite of chicken and potatoes before shoving it to the side. My stomach continued to growl, but I wasn't going to give in. I paced back and forth, my mind going a mile a minute as I thought about everything and anything, and occasionally eavesdropping on the conversations the guards were having, but they were purely disgusting so I drowned them out the best I could. 


Just when I was about to take a nap, the door unlocked and in came two guards. I backed up into the end of my cell until I hit the wall and began to fight off the guards as they grabbed my arms and dragged me out. 

"Let go of me!" I yelled the entire way down the hall, kicking, screaming, pulling away from them. I tried my best, but they were too strong for me, but that didn't stop me from trying.

I put up the fight until they let go of me in the training center outside. I'd only been out here once, after I woke up and they gave me a tour around the facility. High electric fences were what kept us in here as prisoner, hidden by what looked like a forest given the huge trees that seemed to go on for miles all around us. I squinted from the sun rays beaming down, looking around, catching my breath from my temper tantrum to see the faces of a few guards and prisoners.

"Careful, she's a feisty one." One of the guards that dragged me here warned.

I swallowed hard as I stood up straight as a soldier approached me. I examined him quickly from head to toe, noticing his baton and a gun on his hip as he was dressed head to toe in fatigues. He looked like a drill sergeant. 

"I hear you don't want to cooperate." He said sternly.

I rose a brow, standing my ground as he stood tall looking at me, studying me. I stayed quiet as he was expecting me to reply. I licked my lips as I glanced passed his shoulder, taking in the faces of the others who were like me, all watching the two of us. One familiar face was my personal server, blue eyes.

"Do you think you will get special treatment because you're new?" He asked, walking around me slowly. "Confused? Scared?"

I laid my eyes on him once more as he stood in front of me with a cocky smirk on his face. I narrowed my eyes at him. He had to be in his mid forties by the looks of him.

"Can anyone tell Ms. Callahan here what happens to soldiers who don't cooperate?" He shouted at the group that stood a few feet away.

"They get punished, sir!" All said in unison.

He looked back at me now.

"I'm not a soldier." I hissed.

"You are now, sweetheart." He hissed back before grabbing my neck and forced me to walk towards the group backwards.

I grabbed his wrist with both of my hands, struggling to reach ground and for air. I growled in anger as I stared at him, feeling hopeless in that moment before he threw me to the concrete. I fell on my side, coughing and gasping for air before I shuffled to my feet. He stood a few inches away from me, staring down at me.

"Come on, tough girl." He taunted, motioning for me to fight him. "You don't want to eat, Don't want to attend training.."

I inhaled deeply, swallowing hard as I rubbed my neck. "You're fucking insane." I spat.

He smiled at me, the last thing I saw before my face hit the pavement. I felt the sting of the impact of his fist on my cheek and jaw. I wiggled it slightly, hoping it wasn't broken. The pain was enough to make me cry, but I wasn't going to show it. I clenched my jaw, even though that wasn't doing much to hide the pain.

"I would have thought you be a better fighter then this, Callahan. Seeing who your parents are."

His words made my blood boil as I shuffled to stand once more. I could feel my heart beat in every vein and cell inside me. As I stood up, I was faced with Aiden who looked at me with sad eyes. I looked from him to the rest of the group that surrounded us. All stood as soldiers with their feet apart and their arms behind their back, watching the scene unfold. 

I looked at the blonde next to Aiden, a scared expression on her face. As I stared, it felt as if my eyes zoomed into the reflection from her glossy eyes. Confused as to how this happened, I focused on the reflection as I saw the soldier coming up from behind me. I swung around quickly, throwing my fist around and connected it with his jaw as hard as I could muster. The impact made us both stumble to the side, but I caught myself as he fell to the ground by the group's feet. I gasped, flexing my fist as I stared down at my hands. How the hell did I do that?  I looked over my shoulder, meeting Aiden's blue orbs with my own, seeing the faint smirk on his face.

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