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Baekhyun's palms were sweating.

Calm down, Byun Baekhyun.

What's so scary about a job interview?


So calm down.

Like now.

"Have you ever worked in an institution like this before?" Asked the interviewer.

She was an old, angry looking lady, who looked like she would rather die than hire someone like Baekhyun in her company.

It was not Baekhyun being paranoid or bitchy - the lady's attitude was speaking for itself. The disgusted frown that greeted his every word, the look of disappointment everytime he answered a question, they were all very well telling him what she was actually thinking.

To be honest, Baekhyun had only spent seven minutes in the room, and he already felt utterly hated. From the not-so-shiny and not-so-new classic shoes, to the tips of his dark brown hair.

"No," he answered her question with carefulness. Hopeless as it was, Baekhyun was still trying to get on her good side. "It has only been six months since I've graduated from the university."

"And nobody hired you in those six months?"

Baekhyun heaved a sigh in his thoughts. Really now? Wasn't that obvious already? Would he be sitting here and sweating in fear in front of her, if he already had a job?

It now began to feel like a mockery, to be honest.

"Yes, that's right." Baekhyun yet responded.

Although he now felt more like jumping over the table to the old hag and crushing those hateful red glasses of hers in his hand. He was so tired. Tired of her angry face, of this hopeless interview, and just tired all around. It might seem that Baekhyun was being impatient or fussy, but it was far from that. This interview was lost anyway, because there was no way this hag or this company would hire him.

Baekhyun had been through so many job interviews that he could tell just by a glance.

"Oh, that's unfortunate" As if confirming his thoughts, the hag said with no hint of compassion whatsoever. "Really unfortunate. Well, Mr. Byun, I suppose we could-"

Knock knock knock.

Just wonderful, Baekhyun rolled his eyes internally. More time wasted in this ugly room. Could not feel any luckier today.

"Oh, Mr. Kim!" the interviewer's lips instantly curled into a creepy smile, greeting the guest, and Baekhyun secretly frowned. He slightly turned his chin to see who was the reason of him being unfortunate enough to witness that ugly sight, and looked up. His irritated eyes met with a tall, lean boy in his twenties, his deep brown locks and beautiful bronzed skin.

As astonishing as it was, the boy who just walked into this God forsaken office was really damn right beautiful.

As an angel, who just fearlessly walked into the deepest pit of hell.

Suddenly interested in the scene, Baekhyun shifted in his seat to get more comfortable. His past irritation had mysteriously faded away.

"How are you? Is CEO Park doing well?"

"He's doing fine, thank you, and so am I." the boy smiled, and pointed at the seat beside Baekhyun's. "May I sit down here?"

"Oh, of course!" The hag laughed as if he had said something really funny (which he didn't) and jumped up from her own chair, heading for the teapot.

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