Chapter 11

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Kyungsoo was really stressed.

Terribly, awfully, unbearably stressed. And there was nothing he could do about it.

"Jongin will like anything." Chanyeol told him that day, big eyes worriedly staring at the smaller's tired face. "As long as he gets to spend Christmas with you, he'll be fine with anything. You know that, Kyungsoo."

Yeah, Kyungsoo knew. Over this last month, Jongin had repeated that like five hundred times already.

But sadly, it didn't make Kyungsoo feel any less stressed about finding him the right present.

It's been nearly a month since they started going out, and Kyungsoo had never thought he could be this utterly and perfectly happy. His boyfriend, Jongin, treated him as if he was the most precious person in the whole world, always attentive and caring that Kyungsoo would be well fed, safe and dressed warmly. Even if he, Jongin himself wasn't – 'Kyungsoo is the most important' was his infinite excuse, that he repeated everytime he got scolded.

Also, on every free minute he got at school, Jongin was always running to see Kyungsoo. Even if it was literally one minute, he still did it, on every break. Worried about him, Kyungsoo tried to complain, and not even once or twice, saying that there is no point for Jongin to be running around the school only to see him for seconds, but Jongin always passionately argued on that. And as a result, Kyungsoo always ended up losing.

"Do you think I'd rather spend that time in the classroom?" Jongin whined at the disapproving-looking Kyungsoo.

"I just think it's not safe and even irrational for you to be doing this, Jongin ah. There's only five minutes in the break between the first and second lesson, yet you run to my classroom on it, and then back to yours. You don't get to rest, and neither you get to talk to me that much. So what's the point?"

"I get to kiss you!" Jongin reasoned, chocolate eyes wide with evident dissatisfaction. Honestly, he saw nothing wrong with the way he spent his breaks! He'd change up all his subjects if he could, all of that only to spend more time with his boyfriend. And he saw nothing, absolutely nothing wrong or stupid about that.

"You're honestly impossible, Jongin ah." Kyungsoo just laughed exasperatedly at the younger's words, and reached out to ruffle his hair. Like that, once again, he let the subject go.

And as the whiny baby that he was, Jongin would most certainly have complained about Kyungsoo saying such word to him, but once Kyungsoo's slender hand was stroking his hair, all he could do was relax and let those words go. Like always, he just let Kyungsoo do what he wanted.

And that's why Kyungsoo felt so pressured.

Jongin was the most amazing person in his life. And Kyungsoo really, really wanted to thank him for everything he was constantly doing with at least a great Christmas present. Yet, he had no idea what to give him. It had to be something from the heart, but not careless or useless. Something that would make Jongin's heart flutter. That's what Kyungsoo wanted.

But, but.

What could it be?

"You can buy him some CD. You know Jongin loves music." Chanyeol continued his encouraging, as he and Kyungsoo were walking out of the school on one cold December afternoon. Snow was falling heavily in Seoul for a week already, and, as today was no exception either, the tall boy's raven black hair looked almost white because of all the snowflakes tangled in them. Eyeing the snowy mess sorrily, Kyungsoo suddenly suspected that his own didn't look much better.

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