Chapter 17

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When the door behind Jongin's back closed, wide-eyed Chanyeol took a deep breath.

The best friend of his, jumping up all of a sudden and running out of the room like crazy, was definetely not something he expected to happen. And when it did, Chanyeol didn't know how he was supposed to react to that.

On one hand, he was worried. Worried about Jongin, and his sudden run after Kyungsoo. But on the other hand, he couldn't help but be a little nervous. If Jongin and Kyungsoo left, that meant it was only him, Haeun and Baekhyun left. And what that meant?

He was the only one sober there. And responsible.

No need to say, he was worried about that greatly. Dealing with drunk people was never one of his strengths - actually, dealing with sober people was troublesome enough as it was. But Chanyeol knew that he didn't have much of a choice - he couldn't just walk out of that restaurant after Jongin, and leave Haeun and Baekhyun party all night till they sober up, or do God knows what stupidity.

But as he sat there, nervously watching the two of his co-workers laugh and chat as if nothing was wrong, Chanyeol began to feel that he didn't even want to leave anymore.

And who was responsible for that?


He had never caught himself staring at another person that much and enjoying it that much, as Chanyeol did with whenever he was looking at Baekhyun. He always liked seeing people laugh and smile, actually. It made him happy. But when Baekhyun was the one doing it, the feeling of joy Chanyeol got from it was ten times stronger.

This evening was another chance of him to see more of Baekhyun's smile. At first, he barely controlled himself from taking the alcohol Haeun proposed away from the smaller, and not letting him drink it. Chanyeol wasn't a big fan of alcohol, and the things it did to people. But just when he was about to reach out his hand, and take the glass away from Baekhyun, a sudden, unpleasant thought hit him like a train - he, Park Chanyeol, had no right to do it. What if Baekhyun gets mad? Chanyeol had no right to tell Baekhyun what to do, or not to do. He was only his boss, and a friend. Not his father, nor his brother, nor his boy-

"What are you thinking about so hard, Chanyeollie?" Haeun asked him all of a sudden, wide smile plastered on her lips and a knowing look in her eyes.

Chanyeol tilted his head, puzzled.

But at that moment, Baekhyun also turned to look at him curiously.

"N-Nothing," Chanyeol shook his head instantly, feeling his heartbeat pick up speed. "Nothing, noona."

He could feel traitorous heat gather slowly underneath his skin, and that wasn't a good sign.

"You're so bad at lying," Haeun informed him, and chuckled. "But I'll let you get away with it. But only if..."

She made a pause. And stared at him.

Chanyeol didn't get her signal, and just stared back, confused.

"You were supposed to ask 'if what, noona?'," she told him grumpily after a minute. "Nevermind. You're joining karaoke with me, Chanyeollie."

Chanyeol gulped. Him? Singing?

And more importantly, in front of Baekhyun?

He'd rather die.

He didn't even sing in front of Jongin of all people, who, needless to say, was the closest person to him on Earth. Chanyeol never sang to anyone. He only did it when he was alone in his room, because there was something very personal in music for Chanyeol, and he didn't want - no, he was afraid to show it to others. It was like opening up his own soul to people around him.

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