Chapter 30

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>> WARNING: kind of (?) around the middle. I will leave a " * " before and after the smut for those who don't want to read it. ^^

Baekhyun was pretty certain he did not fall asleep in here.

He clearly remembered sitting on the couch in Chanyeol's arms, warm and content, listening to Kyungsoo and Jongin talk about something when eventually his head fell on Chanyeol's chest, and everything turned dark. He had fallen asleep on the couch for sure, but then why was he now in Chanyeol's bed, with Chanyeol nowhere in sight?

He rolled to his side, looking around the empty room. There wasn't a single sound indicating that Chanyeol was somewhere in the apartment, either.

"Chanyeol?" he tried calling.

No answer. Baekhyun was definitely alone.

He sat up in the bed, pouting. When did Chanyeol leave him? He hadn't even noticed him move him to bed, not to mention leaving it. Did he go to work? Baekhyun would be furious if he did. He wanted to go with him, to make sure that Chanyeol doesn't get punished by his father for what Baekhyun had done yesterday, and also, to find out what was going to happen now. If he was still an employee at PKO, or was he already thrown out without no discussions awaiting.

He turned to look at his side, and noticed a piece of paper on Chanyeol's side of the bed. Baekhyun grabbed the paper and unfolded it, grateful that his boyfriend at least left him a note of his whereabouts. That was a nice thing to do after disappearing.

Good morning, Baek, was written in there, I'm going out for a bit and I'll be back in a few hours. Have breakfast, watch TV, but don't go out, please. You need to heal your cold first. I'll see you later. Love you, Chanyeol

Baekhyun bit back his lips from forming a smile. His boyfriend was so cute.

As far as his health was concerned, Baekhyun was feeling quite alright, actually. His headache was gone, he wasn't cold anymore, although his throat still felt a bit iffy. Baekhyun really wanted to get a pill for that before it got serious, so he reluctantly pushed the warm blankets away, and climbed out of the bed. He left Chanyeol's note on the bedside table.

He padded over to the bathroom, his feet unpleasantly cold on the bare floor. Opening the cabinet above the sink, Baekhyun pulled out Chanyeol's medicine kit and went through it, hoping to find the pills for throat pain. But there was none, so he pushed the kit back to its place, frowning.

He really needed to get that pill now, otherwise his throat would go crazy, and two days later, he wouldn't be able to utter a single word out. And Baekhyun will definitely need his gift of speech when faced with the rage of Chanyeol's father. Who else will talk back to him and defend them both?

Baekhyun contemplated his choices. He could wait for Chanyeol to come back, and ask him get the pills then. But he didn't even consider that one, because he had given Chanyeol enough trouble as it was. There was no way he was going to order him around like some pawn for stupid throat pills, too.

His other choice meant getting dressed and walking over to the pharmacy. Baekhyun knew there was one nearby, because he always saw the bright green sign whenever Chanyeol drove him to his place. It wasn't even going to be ten minutes to get there, so that could work.

But Chanyeol had asked him not to go anywhere. Ugh.

Baekhyun pursed his lips, conflicted.

Well, what Chanyeol won't know won't hurt him, he decided. He'll be back before Chanyeol anyway.

Content with his resolve, Baekhyun quickly brushed his teeth with a new toothbrush, that Chanyeol thoughtfully had left for him, and washed his face. He then took a quick shower, thankful for the freshly washed towel and clothes that were left on the washing machine for him. He wondered how early Chanyeol had gotten up to take care of him like this, and ended up smiling throughout the whole time in the shower.

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