Chapter 9

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"It is damn freezing out here, Jongin."

Saying that did as much good as it did the first three times already. Nothing. Too focused on his thoughts, Jongin just continued walking around the place, and ignored the other's comment completely. For the third time.

Needless to say, that did not make Luhan very happy. He was turning to a damn statue of ice there.

Honestly, Luhan was never very good chilly places. Ever since he was little, he was always on the smaller and thinner side than others around him, and that caused him to be much more sensitive to the temperature changes than everybody else was. When it was just chilly for others, for Luhan it was way too cold, and when it was pleasantly hot in summer, for Luhan it was a burning hell. It was just the way his body reacted to the temperature, and regretfully, he couldn't do a thing to change that.

Furthermore, loyal to his character, Luhan neither bothered to hide his never-ending dissatisfaction. He was always open to declare his complaints, although they almost never received any kind of answer. Most people just instantly marked him as the bitchy whiner, and didn't pay attention to whatever Luhan had to say- or, more likely, what he had to complain about.

But Jongin, Jongin was different. He was his closest friend, not to mention one of the kindest people Luhan knew. If anyone seemed to care for Luhan no matter what, it was him.

But now, that no longer seemed to be the case. It has already been ten or twenty minutes since they arrived here, but Jongin still hadn't said a single word to his friend, not to mention even throw a look at him. No, he was all too immersed in his own business to care what Luhan was doing, or to ask, if the other was cold, hungry or whatever.

Luhan just shook his head in disappointment, and silently turned around to leave. Jongin wouldn't notice his disappearance anyway.

He wasn't going to stay, if Jongin was going to just leave him stand there, and freeze his ass off for no apparent reason.

But suddenly, as Luhan was walking towards the exit and murming curses to himself, a firm grip around his wrist abruptly pulled the blond boy to a halt. The other turned his neck in surprise.

"Sorry, Lulu." holding onto the shorter's wrist, Jongin said with an apologetic smile.

How could someone be that beautiful, thought Luhan then . Seriously, smiling Jongin was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Not receiving any answer from the blond, but a stare, Jongin just smiled again, and clumsily unzipped his jacket.

"Sorry. I forgot you're so scrawny even clothes cannot keep your little body warm. Just give me a sec, I'll just-"

Gracefully, Jongin slipped out of his warm winter jacket, and before Luhan could say anything or even react to other's actions somehow, the jacket was already wrapped around his own shoulders. The warmth, and a gentle scent of sandalwood that was always lingering around Jongin, all of a sudden engulfed Luhan from all sides. He didn't even make it to realize what happened, before Jongin pulled the zipper up, and tucked the blond up warmly in his jacket. And then pouted at the fact that it still hung on Luhan's narrow shoulders quite sadly, even after he was done.

Luhan squirmed in the jacket, all of a sudden feeling self-conscious because of his narrow frame.

"You can wait a bit more now, right?" Jongin asked him with a smile.

"Y-You idiot." Luhan stuttered in response, flustered at Jongin's unpredictable actions. "Do you think this helps anyone? You'll just be the one who catches a cold now!"

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