Chapter 3

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Baekhyun was standing five steps away from Park Chanyeol's office, with freshly printed advertising plans rustling in his slender hands.

Baekhyun didn't know what has gotten into him. A moment before, standing calmly in Jongin's office and watching the team leader print out the papers, he was burning with excitement. Finally he was going to get somewhere from the starting point. Finally he could ask things he wanted and learn about Chanyeol from himself, not somebody else. But now Baekhyun stood there, a hand reach away from the doorknob that separated him and the other man, and Baekhyun was afraid.

He was afraid of opening the door and understanding that he has no idea what to ask or what to say to the manager. Also, he was scared of Chanyeol yelling at him to get out as soon as he knocks, and saying that Baekhyun is no one but a mere employee who has no rights of stepping into the general manager's office. Or maybe even fear of tripping over his own feet crossed Baekhyun's mind at the spur of moment.

He was now just fully going into panick mode, and didn't know how to stop himself.

"Come on, Byun Baekhyun, get yourself together," Baekhyun murmured to himself angrily. "Just open the damn door and talk. That's the only thing you're good at, blabbering senselessly, so use it for a good purpose at leastonce."

Yet his feet remained glued to the same floor five steps away from the "damn door".

"Byun Baekhyun!" he hissed at himself and slammed the stack of papers at his forehead. "Ow!"

Blinded by the self-awarded ache right in between his eyes, Baekhyun felt the papers slip out of his hands and fly into the air freely. As he opened his eyes, the leaves were flying and landing all around the entrace of Chanyeol's office.

"Shit." Baekhyun murmured, and crouched down to get the papers back in his hold.

As he picked up half of the runaways, Baekhyun turned around to reach out for others, and his gaze met with a pair of shiny black leather shoes.

"What happened here?" a deep, husky voice asked, and Baekhyun's heart dropped to his stomach.

Of course it was going to be him.

Before Baekhyun's brain could even consider answering the taller's question, Park Chanyeol was already setting down his black briefcase down at the floor, and then he was crouching beside him. Calmly gathering the escaped leaves with his big hands, and settling them on his elbow neatly.

"Oh?" his eyes widened in surprise (quite adorably, really) when he saw the introductory page. "Jongin is done with advertising project already? He's fast."

Baekhyun's brain decided that then was a good moment to finally snap out of the daze, and the male collected himself quickly with embarassingly pink dusted cheeks.

"T-they're not done yet." he stuttered, and cursed himself mentally for that. "I have to discuss them with you, general manager, and bring them back to team leader."

Chanyeol's big eyes met his again, and Baekhyun was begging internally for him to avert his gaze somewhere else quickly, because one second more and Baekhyun was going to need an ambulance. Nerves were killing him.

"Oh." Chanyeol nodded, and stood up, reaching out a hand to help Baekhyun.

Baekhyun stared at it for a second like a complete idiot, and then finally dared to reach out his own.

Chanyeol's twice wider and bigger palm completely covered his kind of scrawny one, and Baekhyun felt himself being pulled up with considerate amount of strength. He was already standing in a second, and Chanyeol didn't even blink at the 60 kilos of weight he had just pulled casually with one hand. He was standing there, unaffected and emotionless as always.

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