Chapter 5

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Baekhyun was counting every second.

Every single tick of the white, round clock on the wall.

It was slowly numbering minutes till the lunch break, that Baekhyun had passed waiting beside his desk, and the minutes he has yet to pass there. It's actually been a while since he started doing this. And it looked like he was going to do it for a while more. At least he thought so, quite desperately.

As strange as it would seem, he counted minutes not because he was that hungry, although certain need to fill his stomach with something warm was certainly there. The real problem was that he has been sitting in the corner of Chanyeol's office for two hours now, throwing occasional glances at the general manager's crouched profile, and asking himself what was he, Byun Baekhyun, doing there in the first place.

What was he doing there?

Two hours back, Baekhyun was striding confidently out of the elevator to the marketing team's office, having a nice morning, ready to start working on the advertisement plans. With a small thought of giving Chanyeol a break today. But then he was stopped right at his tracks. Jongin was waiting for him there, leaning on the wall beside the office and smiling excitedly.

That smiledi didn't give Baekhyun any suspicions.


"Hyung." Jongin greeted cheerfully. "Come with me for a sec."

Baekhyun was a little surprised by the suddenness of the invitation, but followed after jumpy Jongin either way. Like, what did he have to be afraid of? What bad could have Jongin done to him, except uhm, maybe leaving Baekhyun locked with the person who probably hates him after yesterday and kind of ignores his existence?! Of course not.

Yes, exactly that.

But Baekhyun didn't know it then, and calmly followed Jongin to wherever the taller was taking him. The path was painfully familiar, and Baekhyun soon found himself walking into Chanyeol's office, a little surprised of why, yet still calm.

"Yeollie!" Jongin waved cheerfully at the concentrated Chanyeol by the desk. The latter rose his head to look at his visitors, and Baekhyun could see a glint of discomfort when their eyes met.

Of course, it was to be expected. Yesterday was still quite fresh in both of their memories.

"What are you doing?"

"Reviewing proposals for a new product." Chanyeol answered seriously as leaned back onto his chair, and rubbed his tired eyes. He looked as if he would use a long and continous nap for a few days. "What are you doing here though, Jongin? Shouldn't you be meeting our sponsors now?"

Before answering, Jongin ushered Baekhyun to sit in front of Chanyeol, and plopped down happily onto the other black leather chair right beside him.

"The meeting is postponed." he chirped at the two others, and then threw in a proud smirk. "And I'm here, because I have an idea, Yeollie."

Hearing that, Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, while Chanyeol tilted his head in question. Both were equally surprised because of their co-workers or best friend's randomness.

"Oh come on." Jongin pouted like a child and blew a raspberry, clearly expecting some kind of excitement from the spectators. "It's an awesome one, I promise. Useful to both of you."

Baekhyun highly doubted that now.

"What is it?" Chanyeol asked carefully, although his thoughts seemed to be on the same page as Baekhyun.

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