Chapter 21

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To Baekhyun, the rest of the date went by just as wonderfully as it began. He really did love every second of it, from the beginning till the end.

But just maybe he loved the seconds of the kiss Chanyeol gave him just a little bit more. Maybe.

After Chanyeol pulled away from the said kiss, the two of them stood in their places quietly for a second, blushing equally much. Though Chanyeol seemed to be particulary really shy of what he had done, biting his lip nervously and avoiding the shorter's male's eyes. But when he did finally meet Baekhyun's eyes with his, and saw Baekhyun wasn't mad (he was actually smiling at him the whole time he was cowering), Chanyeol visibly relaxed. Still a bit shaky, but braver, he timidly offered Baekhyun his hand. Before he could even blink, Baekhyun accepted his hand instantly, and smiled at the taller before lacing their fingers together.

They talked about common things for the rest of their date, mostly telling stories and asking each other simple questions. It was as if they had wordless agreement between them, to keep the serious subjects away for just this one evening. And so, Chanyeol and Baekhyun talked about their hobbies instead, discussed their pets (Baekhyun confessed he couldn't even keep a plant alive, so he had no intentions of getting a pet. Seeing the determination on his face, Chanyeol couldn't help but laugh. He was just too adorable), and then just spoke about anything that was easy to talk about.

It was the simple, little things that made a person. So as they talked about those little things, both of them knew what for they were doing it. It was for the sake of getting to know each other, understanding each other better and just simply for the sake of being closer.

Eventually, as their talks continued, the weather became windier and colder, and therefore the two of them soon got cold. When that happened, Chanyeol offered to take Baekhyun back to the car and then back home, and although Baekhyun didn't really want the evening to end just yet, he agreed. There had to be an end eventually, and it really was getting damn cold.

The two of them made their way back to Chanyeol's car, and Baekhyun's stomach instantly filled up with butterflies when Chanyeol wordlessly opened the door for him to get in, like a gentleman. But that wasn't the end of his courtesy. When (because he was a bit dizzy from everything that had happened that night, and a bit distracted) Baekhyun also forgot to fasten his seatbelt, Chanyeol just leaned over, his shoulder brushing softly against Baekhyun's chest, and fastened it for him. Just silently taking care of the smaller, and so innocently unaware of leaving Baekhyun's heart bursting in flutters.

Self-control, Byun Baekhyun, Baekhyun thought to himself, bit his lip and closed his eyes. Maybe this way he could control himself, and not to do anything embarassing for the minutes with Chanyeol he still had left tonight.

He hoped.

Baekhyun thought – and hoped – that Chanyeol would kiss him again as a goodbye. He actually really wanted that to happen. But Chanyeol had already hit the limit of bravery he could manage that night. The taller walked Baekhyun to the door, and when the smaller turned to say his goodbyes, Chanyeol reached out and carefully pulled the smaller male into his arms, embracing him.

"Thank you for tonight, Baekhyn," he told him, and a second later let Baekhyun go. The hug lasted seconds, but it didn't make it any less special.

Later, when Chanyeol was long gone, and Baekhyun had finally crawled into his bed after a long and relaxing shower, only then it really hit him. The events that happened tonight. Overwhelmed by the sudden realisation, Baekhyun squirmed in his sheets like a teenage boy, and kicked the blanket around childishly. A couple of excited squeals escaped his lips and seeped into the pillow.

Even when he fell asleep, Baekhyun couldn't stop smiling.


"Something is fishy about you two today," Haeun squinted at them. "Very fishy."

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