Chapter 15

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The rest of the day went past quietly for Kyungsoo, with no surprises, no encounters, nothing out of the ordinary. Just as is it was supposed to be.

As he told Chanyeol, the first thing he did after leaving was taking the info he gathered at PKO to his own company, to his boss. His boss was very pleased to see him, to say the least. Ever since he first saw him, the older man seemed to have taken a strange liking to Kyungsoo, and treated him more like his son, than a new employee. And, as a result of that, anything Kyungsoo wanted, he got.

Like the job on PKO's scandal, for example.

There actually was no coincidence on him getting the job. Yes, PKO's usual lawyer really was on his honeymoon, but there were plenty of available (and willing) lawyers to fill in his place, so there was no need to send Kyungsoo, if he didn't want the job. But as soon as Kyungsoo hinted that yes, he did want the job, all the others immediately received an email of apology, saying that no, sorry, we don't need your help in handling PKO's case. But if something changes, we will be sure contact you. Thank you for your hard work.

And so Kyungsoo got the job, with no difficulties. Some could call it unfair, but this kind of treatment really wasn't something Kyungsoo asked for. He just took what he was given, and that's it.

Of course, that didn't make his relationship with his new co-workers any better, or easier to improve, to be honest. On the contrary, he was actually well aware, that his co-workers had already secretly formed a Kyungsoo haters club. He wasn't kidding. There was really a club in the law firm, dedicated to hating him, and in which's honor the members ( Kangjun swore to God he wasn't joking ) had meetings every week .

Hearing that made Kyungsoo laugh. Seriously, every week? He and Kangjun were the youngest workers in the whole company. And the most recently hired, at that. But when he heard Kangjun telling him that there even is a possibility of that club having a name and, if that wasn't enough, a freaking slogan, Kyungsoo just lost it and laughed his heart out.

His co-workers were childish idiots. That was for sure now.

So of course, when he stepped into the office and headed towards the manager's office, Kyungsoo was aware of all the glares, thrown at him as he walked. He was used to those. He was even waiting for them nowadays. Even when he stepped out of the manager's office, done talking and already with the documents he needed to hand in in PKO, he could still see the people who glared at him before, still doing the exact same thing.

Dumbasses, Kyungsoo thought, and smirked at one particulary angry face amongst all the others. The guy scoffed at him and turned away, and Kyungsoo's smirk got even wider.

He was annoying everyone around with his smug smirk all day long. It might've looked as if he enjoyed it, and for a bit, he really did, but as time passed, it started to become burdensome. The fake smile was burdensome.

Being hated by everyone around all day long, was burdensome.

Only later, when he got home and locked the door behind him, only then Kyungsoo could finally drop his act, and that tiring smile. It disappeared as soon as the door behind him closed shut.

Kyungsoo tiredly shrugged his jacket off, and dropped it onto a chair in his kitchen. Not bothering to change clothes, or more like too tired to bother, Kyungsoo proceeded to walk to the living room and tiredly slumped onto his couch. The small framed male stretched out his tired legs, laid his neck comfortably on the armrest, and covered his eyes with one hand in hopes of finally getting some sleep.

God, he was so tired. So tired, and he didn't even know if it was a psychical fatigue or not. It felt like it was, but at the same time, kind of felt like it wasn't, too.

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