Chapter 2

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After recovering from his unexpected yet special encounter with Park Chanyeol, Baekhyun decided to wait for Jongin in the marketing team's office. He gathered the courage with a deep inhale, and turned towards the entrance to the room.

He was worried about the way his co-workers will react to him coming alone. He didn't even know if they liked him, while Minho clearly didn't. But there was no other choice, and he couldn't just run away. So, inhaling again, Baekhyun opened the door hesitantly and peeked inside the room before going in.

Taemin immediately greeted the slightly shorter male with a radiant smile and a politely ushered him inside the office, looking really happy to see him. Encouraged by his friendliness, Baekhyun smiled back, and closed the door behind his back as he walked in. And when he was inside, the male uncomfortably stood beside the door. He was not really sure what to do next.

"Don't just stand there, come and join us for a cup of coffee, new colleague." noticing his confusion asked the smiling guy who, Baekhyun remembered, was called Jinki.

"I'd love to." Baekhyun agreed politely, and, accompanied by others, sat down at the big table in the middle of the room. Passing by the other, Jinki gave Baekhyun a reassuring smile, and walked over to the counter in the corner of the room. Since it had some cups, a sugar-basin and a bag of expensive coffee resting on it, Baekhyun guessed that Jinki was the one in charge of making coffee in this office.

"So, Baekhyun sshi..." another guy named Kibum asked teasingly with a cocked eyebrow, and smirked at Baekhyun's look. "I'm curious.. how old are you?"

"Eh.." Baekhyun hesitated whether to answer, feeling uncomfortable and kind of judged. He was really fairly young, just out of the university, so it was natural for people to be surprised seeing him work at PKO. It was unusual in big companies, not to mention in South Korea itself, to reach a high position without being considerably aged or just crazily talented. So this bright eyed, brown haired and young looking Baekhyun was certainly someone who would catch everyone's attention in the PKO. And not in a good way.

Kibum seemed to notice Baekhyun struggling, as he watched the male intently and then suddenly giggled.

"I hope you don't mind me asking." he said and smiled, as if he found Baekhyun's creased eyebrows and doubtful eyes kind of cute. "It's just that we'd like to know whether we can drop the formalities while talking, and regretfully, you certainly do look a bit younger than us. Sorry if I made you uncomforta-"

"Yah, ever heard of speaking for yourself? Me and Baekhyun look the same age!" Jinki interrupted while pouring hot water into the cups.

"Yeah, right."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"I'm 23, so you're probably all older than me, hyungs." Baekhyun interrupted their tiny argument with a chuckle. "I've just graduated from the university."

"Oh, then it looks like you are still the baby, Tae." Kibum threw a playful smirk at the boy, and laughed when the latter groaned in realisation.

"Taemin is kind of like an intern slash worker here." Jinki explained, putting a cup of hot coffee in front of Baekhyun and Taemin. "He is 22, but he is working and finishing his studies at the same time."

"Oh." Baekhyun looked at the boy appreciatively, and received a shy smile in return.

Meanwhile, the other male named Jonghyun sat with his nose stuffed into his phone, and the angry Minho looked at every single thing in the room except anything or anywhere near Baekhyun. Sitting beside Minho, Kibum had noticed the look Baekhyun threw at the two silent guys, and chuckled.

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