Chapter 29

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Baekhyun felt like everything that had happened in PKO was just a dream. That he only dreamt that he was once again back together with Chanyeol, that they kissed, and if he wasn't sitting beside him in his car and holding his hand as Chanyeol drove them home, Baekhyun probably wouldn't have believed all the events of today actually happened.

As for the bad things, the sickness Baekhyun had only worsened after they left PKO. His head felt like it was being shattered to pieces, and then sloppily hammered back together countless times. Also, Baekhyun felt terribly cold. Trying to help him with at least that, Chanyeol had turned up the heating in the car to maximum. But now he himself was sitting without his jacket on (which he wrapped around the shivering Baekhyun), and his forehead was already traitorously glistening with sweat. He was so clearly too hot because of the heating, but Baekhyun didn't feel any heat, and was still shivering like a leaf.

He felt so sorry for Chanyeol, who was almost panting to cool himself at least a little. He voiced out the suggestion of turning off the heating, but Chanyeol instantly rejected that, insisting that Baekhyun needed to be warm now or his fever could worsen.

"I think we should go to the hospital," Chanyeol murmured.

"No," Baekhyun frowned. "I hate hospitals. And it's just a simple fever, why bother doctors about it?"

"Because it might not go away with simple cold medicine, it looks like it's too high," Chanyeol threw a worried look at him. "And I'm not willing to risk your health. Can we please go see the doctor, Baekhyun?"
Baekhyun heaved a sigh.

"I'm not going to die from a simple fever, Chanyeol," he stubbornly insisted. "You're overreacting. I'll take some anti-fever pills and I'll be just fine by tomorrow."

Not convinced, Chanyeol tapped his fingers on the wheel, inner conflict obvious on his features. Baekhyun knew, if Chanyeol was a tad more forceful, or could somehow summon back the authoritative Chanyeol from the conference room, he would drag Baekhyun's to the doctor even if he screamed he didn't want to go. But this was his Chanyeol, the one who put up with anything to make Baekhyun happy, therefore the smaller was sure he wasn't going to see any hospital tonight.

Baekhyun was so lucky, and he knew it.

"Baekhyun," Chanyeol said, fingers fiddling nervously on the wheel. "W-would you mind if.. if I took you to my place, instead of yours?"

Baekhyun's heart fluttered at those words.

How much he wanted to stay with Chanyeol right now. He didn't want to even think about separating from him ever again.


"I just don't want to leave you alone, when you're sick," the redhead hastily explained, cheeks already reddening. "I know that we just got back together again, and it's soon, and I'm... m-maybe let's just go to the doctor, instead."

"No, no doctors," Baekhyun hurried to object. "Let's go to your place. I really don't want to go to the doctor, and I need to sleep so bad I feel like I'm going to faint soon. Also... I want to stay with you now, Yeol."

Chanyeol stilled. Baekhyun wasn't sure if his cheeks were already red because of the heat, or they turned that way because of his confession. But the important thing was that the redhead nodded, and wordlessly allowed Baekhyun to win the argument. He turned the car around, and headed towards his neighborhood, while Baekhyun could relax, and finally close his tired eyes.

He didn't notice how they got to Chanyeol's place, having fallen into a strange sleep, which felt like being asleep and awake at the same time. Half- dreaming, Baekhyun only got his conscience back when he felt Chanyeol unfasten his seat belt, and opened his eyes to see what was going on. Chanyeol was leaning over him. Baekhyun dizzily looked at the lean shoulder before him, and flexing arm muscles.

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