Chapter 23

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If there was one thing Baekhyun absolutely hated, it was waking up in the morning after a bad night.

The reason was simple. With an immense passion, Baekhyun hated the contrast. His mind wasn't doing anything for a night time, allowed to forget, allowed not to think, and then suddenly it was brutally thrust back into reality. And reality mostly sucked at the moment.

It wasn't very different from the usual this time either. Although snuggled into something, or more like someone very warm, and undoubtedly taken better care of than usual, Baekhyun still woke up feeling fairly shitty. He fought against the need to open his eyes, not wanting to acknowledge the risen sun and the fresh, new day that was waiting ahead of him. Instead of that, he settled for burrying his face deeper into the soft fabric, into which he was tucked.

"Nngh," he heard the figure beside him murmur sleepily.

Startled, Baekhyun opened his eyes.

Apparently, Chanyeol hadn't left him last night. Or was too worried to leave him last night. He stayed, sleeping soundly whilst leaning on the armrest in a way that made Baekhyun's heart clench with sympathy. It looked so uncomfortable. And not to mention that this was not the first time Baekhyun had robbed the taller a calm, comfortable night sleep in his own bed, so that made him feel guilty even more.

At that moment, unconsciously interrupting Baekhyun's anxious thoughts, Chanyeol moved around a little. He was seemingly still very much asleep, and Baekhyun even held his breath to keep him that way. The taller squirmed a bit, let out a little cough, and went back to lying calmly in a minute, allowing Baekhyun to relax.

Baekhyun's position, however, was a sight worthy of a prominent blush. He was so tightly pressed up against Chanyeol's side that if somebody else would have seen them, they probably would have thought Baekhyun was just an extension of Chanyeol, hidden under the blanket that was pulled upon them. He himself didn't know how he ended up in a position like this. He had no recollection whatsoever of wrapping himself around Chanyeol's torso and curling up into a ball at his side like a puppy. And neither he remembered when exactly Chanyeol managed to leave his arm cinched around his waist, with his hand laying peacefully relaxed on top of Baekhyun's hip bone like it was meant to be there and there was nothing out of the normal about it.

He really didn't know.

As soon as he realized fully the position the two of them were in, Baekhyun couldn't handle just laying there anymore. He wiggled his way out of Chanyeol's side, being careful not to wake him with any sudden movements, and slowly slided from his embrace onto the floor. For a second or two, he sat there, frozen, till he was absolutely sure that his squirming didn't wake the raven-haired male up. But when Chanyeol didn't seem to be keen on begin moving, or expressing awakeness in any other way, Baekhyun decided it was safe for him to stand up. He got up from the floor as silently as possible, carefully grasped the corners of the blanket he'd left crinkled at Chanyeol's side, and pulled at it to rest it over the raven-haired male's sleeping form.

Then, he was left with nothing to do. He was wide awake, and usually he'd be drinking his first glass of water and brushing his teeth around this time, but this wasn't his home to just go and do that. Baekhyun didn't know if it would be rude of him to just go and use Chanyeol's bathroom.

He contemplated that for a minute or two, and then decided that most probably, greeting Chanyeol with a morning breath would be far worse than allowing himself to wonder around his home a bit.

He got his bag of necessities from the hallway where he had left it, and then carefully made his way to the bathroom. Every step he took had to be absolutely soundless.

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