Chapter 6

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He was tired today. Kyungsoo was dead tired.

Everybody in the office noticed it, secretly watching the male with eyes full of curiosity. He was the centre of attention as he passed by in the hallways, and even when he sat beside his desk. Not that it surprised him - he has been here only two days, but already understood his co-workers in the law firm loved to talk.

Actually, talking wasn't the right word to describe those annoying stares of theirs, and the nosy whispers. It was nothing else but irritating gossip.

And what's worse, everybody seemed to be particularly interested not in anyone else, but the "owl-eyed", "beautiful" Kyungsoo, whose face was always "suspiciously full of exhaustion". Exhaustion that came from not having rested properly since he left the States, but, of course, Kyungsoo saw no need to explain that to the gossipers whatsoever. So soon, he was hearing stories about himself flowing around in the office, that either made him laugh bitterly at their stupidness, or sigh in utter despair.

For example, there was that one, that Kangjun told him about. It almost made Kyungsoo spit out his morning coffee when he heard it.

Apparently, or more like according to his co-workers, Kyungsoo was working as a very expensive and georgeous escort on nights, flying to nearby countries every other night with rich businessmen. Only insanely rich ones, of course. Someone of that beauty was not going to waste his time on any small fries, right?

Yeah, right.

Or that other one, which was given birth in the administration office, telling that he had a famous idol boyfriend, whom he could only meet when the sun was down, and that's why he had no time for sleeping. Kyungsoo was spending his nights in a.. better way.

Seriously, Kyungsoo's life in gossips was so much more interesting than it was like for the man himself. In reality, his tiredness was mostly caused by nothing else, but innocent jetlag and unpeaceful dreams. It probably just showed on the outside more, than it should have.

Maybe it was because of his pale white skin, but the dark circles appeared real quick on his face too, in a matter of two days, and showed on Kyungsoo much worse than it did on other people. They were painted in an ugly greyish black colour, right above his cheekbones and under his eyes. Combining the fairness of his skin, and the darkness of the eyebags, the sharp contrast made Kyungsoo look pretty much dead. Which led to thinking that the cause was more serious than insomnia, although it really wasn't.

But to be honest, Kyungsoo did feel pretty much dead.

It has been three days, and three nights of torn, shredded sleep for him. His plane landed a lot of time ago, yet Kyungsoo was still suffering from jetlag nevertheless. Hopelessly, he kept falling asleep on weird hours, felt lively at nights, and never felt like he slept enough in the mornings.

And the aftermath of all that was that the memories he was brushing and hiding away so well for these past few years, found a way to resurface in his mind again.

Memories of his highschool years now haunted him in his sleep. In the forms of husky laughter, chocolate eyes, and full lips.

So that Saturday evening, when Kyungsoo's head fell on the pillow unconsciously, he knew what was going to happen already. He knew that as soon as he closes his eyes, he will see Jongin. He will relive the time he spent with him again. And having already lost the fight of resistance, Kyungsoo wasn't even trying to fight it anymore.

He just gave in.

Since the day they've met in the classroom, Kyungsoo had spent almost all of his time together with his new acquaintance. They spent the classes, the breaks, and sometimes their entire afternoons together.

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