Chapter 1

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Baekhyun splashed some cold water onto his pale cheeks.

Today has been a really long and eventful day for him. After accepting the deal Kim Jongin proposed, he was dragged to some coffee shop by the taller male, and then thoroughly examined.

At first, Baekhyun was asked about his university and the reasons why he took the double degree of music production and marketing together. He had an idea that Jongin was going to ask about that, so he replied without doubts, bravely. And Jongin seemed to be contented.

When those answers were given, Jongin didn't stop even for a moment and started aiming at a totally different side. He asked about the activities Baekhyun had outside the classroom, his social skills and even about the friends he made while being in the campus. The hobbies Baekhyun had. What music he liked. Just everything.

The feeling of being more or less interrogated by a guy whom he just met was strange, yet Baekhyun answered all the questions honestly. On the other hand, Kim Jongin hadn't told him that much about himself. He only talked about his own past as much as it was needed to describe Chanyeol.

Apparently, the two of them had met all the way back in highschool, whole 8 years ago. At first, they weren't very close, even kind of ignored each other's presence. But as time passed, and the two boys' every day was hours of seeing each other, they eventually had discovered quite a few things that they were similar in. For example, they both were into books. They both liked playing the guitar and create simple melodies. And like that, making music became the bond that tied the two friends tightly together.

Therefore Chanyeol and Jongin started to spend almost all of their time together even outside the school, expressing their love for music and trying to write their very first songs. Their parents were glad as well, because the two were not only compatible in characters, but also in statuses. Both boys were afterall the succesors to large companies and sons of the rich.

But at the time when their genuine friendship was blossoming, neither Chanyeol or Jongin really cared about each other's social position or future heritage. They were both too immersed in the happiness of having found someone whom they could share their happiness, sadness and dreams with. To be truthful, in the school, almost everyone knew who their parents were, and that made it difficult for them to make other friends rather than hanging out with each other. They were invisibly put somewhere above everyone else, loved and hated at the same time. No longer insignificant presences in the crowd.

And so it became that the two guys became even closer to each other, when everyone around them left them alone. They didn't have anyone else to share their hearts with, so they simply shared it with each other.

As Jongin kept talking about Chanyeol being his closest and most trusted friend, Baekhyun had developed a question whether the two of them were in fact dating. There were quite a lot of signs pointing at that conclusion.

First of all, as he listened to him talk, Baekhyun noticed Jongin wore some kind of a silver couple ring on his ring finger. He had been touching it constantly, playing with the silver metal absent-mindedly ever since the beginning of their conversation. It looked like Jongin's long had habit, which he didn't even notice. But it also was an obvious sign of affection for whoever he was sharing these rings with.

But if all Jongin talked bout was Chanyeol, wasn't it logical to assume the second ring's owner was in fact him?

Deciding that it wouldn't be too rude to ask, Baekhyun asked. And all he got from Jongin was a strangled laugh.

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