Chapter 20

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Kyungsoo didn't dare to kiss Jongin any more than to gently, with unimaginable softness and carefulness in every single of his movements, press his lips onto the other's. He didn't know if Jongin even wanted that kiss. So therefore he tried to hold back from making it too passionate as much as he could.

But he, Kyungsoo himself, wanted and needed to kiss him. Even that one soft kiss, more of a peck than an actualkiss, was like a gulp of so much needed air, like the first breath you take after being underwater for too long - that relieving, unique and so right to finally take. It feels as if your whole body was waiting, thirsting for it, and then finally, finally gets it. That was exactly how this kiss, five years in progress of happening, felt at that particular moment.

Kyungsoo didn't want to pull away from the bliss of feeling Jongin's lips against his, tasting the familiar and longed sweetness. He wished he could stop the time on this moment, and keep it happening over and over again, forever. But he had to pull away. Jongin was standing stunned in front of him, unmoving. He was completely frozen in his spot, and that couldn't be a good sign.

So Kyungsoo let his heels touch the ground softly, as he didn't need to stand on his tippy toes anymore when he wasn't reaching out for the taller, and took a step back from Jongin, pulling away from the kiss. Jongin stood there, pressed up against the wall of his hallway, and looked at Kyungsoo with his widened chocolate eyes.

He was blinking like a surprised puppy, and God, Kyungsoo was having a hard time holding himself back from throwing his care for Jongin's consent out the window, and smashing their lips together again in a kiss way more passionate that the one before.

"W-What was that?" Jongin asked him, eyes wide as saucers, and so damn cute. Unbearably.


"A kiss?" Kyungsoo tilted his head, letting his heart shaped lips form a little smirk as he watched the surprise in the taller's face. "You've had a fair share of those to be able to tell that yourself, Jongin ah. Haven't you?"

As Kyungsoo expected, Jongin's cheeks turned tomato red at that sentence, and he looked away from him, embarassed by the shorter's straightforwardness. That, needless to say, amused Kyungsoo greatly.

He really did miss Jongin so freaking much.

"Come back inside," the shorter male asked the other gently, affection and tenderness taking over his heart as he stared at him. "Come back in and then let's talk. We have loads to talk about."

To emphasize his words, a bit hesitantly and shyly, Kyungsoo reached out his hand for Jongin to take. He hoped he would take it, though he had doubts he would.

Jongin looked at his outreached hand, and seconds later, Kyungsoo found his small and pale palm being embraced into warmth by a tanned and significantly wider one. Jongin took his hand gently, and let Kyungsoo hold onto it, lead him back to the living room. Back inside.

Kyungsoo couldn't hold back the joy at the back of his heart, the joy that Jongin didn't reject him and was willing to talk to him. If he was in his place, he would've probably gotten mad about it, and wouldn't agree to see Jongin ever again. But Jongin loved him, he loved Kyungsoo so much, and most probably that was why he didn't. All he ever cared about was making Kyungsoo happy. Even if it hurt him in the process.

Kyungsoo was way more selfish than Jongin was. He knew it. But he was willing to change, if only that meant he and Jongin could finally be together, without any pain in between them.

"Can I ask of you to stay silent and listen to what I want to say?" the owl-eyed male asked, when the two of them settled on the couch, distance still small and hands clasped together. "Can I hope you won't interrupt?"

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