Chapter 19

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The secretary's words startled a missed beat out of Baekhyun's heart, and left an uncomfortable anxiety and loads of fearful guesses behind. He didn't expect to hear something like this, especially not today.

Naturally, he started thinking what could have he possibly done, for CEO to be looking for him today and more importantly, at this hour. Baekhyun didn't break anything in the office, at least not as far as he remembered. He didn't have any unfinished works he was late with presenting to anyone, either. And neither he had encountered the CEO after the last time they met, which was in Chanyeol's office, unless it counted when he once saw the elder getting out of the elevator. But it probably didn't, because, well, they didn't even acknowledge each other's presence. How could have Baekhyun annoyed him then?

That's why hearing this was even more nerve-wrecking and scary. He didn't know the reason behind the elder's request.

As if he was thinking the same, Chanyeol looked just as startled and worried as Baekhyun was. And that was not an encouraging thought to the smaller at all. If even Chanyeol looks worried, something is really not right.

"I have time now," the taller said, immediately taking a step forward, and standing next to the smaller male. "I'll go with Baekhyun."

Baekhyun was actually happy to hear that proposal, he really was, having in mind that he really didn't want to see the CEO again, and much more to see him alone. But the happiness was very short-lived, and it was killed almost as quickly as it had appeared.

"I'm sorry, general manager," the secretary said, looking up to the taller sorrily. "But the CEO said he only wants to see sir Byun Baekhyun. He specified that he wants nobody else accompanying him."

Chanyeol's eyes widened, and Baekhyun frowned. Not only he wanted to strangle the old man for making them meet alone, but, even more so, who specifies they don't want to see their own son? Shouldn't he be happy if Chanyeol decided to come along?

He would be, if he was a normal dad, Baekhyun concluded. But he wasn't, and as Baekhyun watched Chanyeol bite his lip and look away, he couldn't help but clench his fists and hold back the cursewords that were threatening to spill.

"I'll be right back," he told Chanyeol, reaching out to touch the taller's arm. It was becoming kind of a habit, touching Chanyeol whenever he wanted to soothe him. Baekhyun let his fingers touch the soft material of Chanyeol's jacket, and then seconds later pulled his hand away unwillingly.

Although it might have been just his own wishful thinking, Baekhyun didn't miss the way Chanyeol looked at his retreating hand - it looked as if he didn't want him to let it go.

Baekhyun had to gather all the willpower he had in his soul to leave together with the secretary, and not squish the life of the silent, overly tall and most of all, unbearably adorable boss of his.

The walk to the CEO's office wasn't long. They only took the elevator to the highest floor (Baekhyun paled when he looked out the window whilst going, and decided not to look outside again) and soon, they were walking down the hallway. At the end of it stood the dark wooden door, that, Baekhyun supposed, separated him and the secretary from the CEO's office. The girl knocked on the door politely, and only dared to open the door when she heard a lazy "come in" from the inside. They both walked in.

"I have brought sir Byun Baekhyun," she told the CEO, who sat behind his table with his legs crossed, bored expression on his face, and obviously very relaxed. Baekhyun almost held himself back from rolling his eyes at the sight. That was almost exactly the view he expected to see.

"Thanks," the older man dismissed the secretary with one lazy swing of his hand. The girl bowed at both him and Baekhyun, and then the door behind her back closed, leaving the CEO and Baekhyun closed alone.

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