Chapter 4

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"Baekhyun hyung!"

Walking in through the entrance of the building, Baekhyun stopped at the sound of his name being called, and turned around to see Jongin waving at him with a smile. He stopped to wait for the latter, and smiled back while Jongin made his way to Baekhyun's side.

"Good morning, Baekhyun hyung." Jongin greeted with a sly smirk. "I suppose yesterday went well?"

Baekhyun's eyes instantly widened when he remembered he hasn't told Jongin anything yet.

Jongin's smile widened even more, and he threw his arm around Baekhyun's slowly crouching shoulders.

"I see you know what I'm talking about. Good, because I was seriously alarmed when Chanyeol asked... how did he say... if I was out of inspiration?"

Baekhyun closed his eyes shut in embarassment and pressed his lips together tightly.

Damn it.

"The message says," Jongin said, clearly enjoying the shorter male's misery with a glint of amusement in his eyes. "You should have told me you're not in the shape for creating advertisement plans, Jongin ah. But you know, weird thing. I actually thought I was in shape when I wrote those plans. Were they really that bad, or did you make them seem bad, Baekhyun hyung?"

Can you do anything right, Byun Baekhyun?! Baekhyun bit his lip and looked up at Jongin with his puppy eyes. Maybe being cute will get him out of this embarassment alive and well.

"I might have given Chanyeol the idea.. "

Jongin nodded with a chuckle, and quirked his eyebrows playfully.

"I figured."

"But it was all for the sake of helping me to get close to him!" Baekhyun whined, cheeks turning rosy already. "I didn't plan to steal your position or anything..." he murmured.

Well, he didn't intend or didn't even think he was capable of making better advertising plans than Jongin. Sotechnically he was not lying.

"Chill, Baekhyun hyung." Jongin laughed as he led Baekhyun into the elevator and pressed the button of the needed floor. "I actually called Chanyeol to ask what he meant, and he told me everything you talked about yesterday. So don't stress over it, it's fine. I actually think the idea is quite brilliant."

"Y-you do?" Baekhyun's face brightened instantly.

Jongin nodded and patted his shoulder with a friendly smile.

"I have a lot of responsibilities as it is, taking care of the whole marketing team and organising their work. If you manage to get the advertising planning off my back Baekhyun hyung, I'll only be grateful."

Baekhyun sighed in relief. Since yesterday, he was actually worried that Jongin might think he was plotting something against him with this. But it seemed like the younger really trusted Baekhyun to be honest, and didn't think any of that. Even if he could, Jongin didn't doubt him, and it felt nice to know that.

"Well then, have a nice day getting on my best friend's nerves, Baekhyun hyung." the taller wished with a playful smirk and waved at Baekhyun, who chuckled at his words.

After the younger was gone behind the corner, Baekhyun's smile slowly disappeared. Yeah, he was worried again. Worried as hell.

All the way till Chanyeol's office, Baekhyun was asking himself what was going on with him. He wasn't like this at all. Normally he was someone who wasn't afraid to show his emotions openly, even to be rude at unavoidable occasions, and he was never embarassed of anything he did. Baekhyun was brave and he knew it, it was his thing. Sowhy now, when his courageous and shameless self was needed the most, it suddenly disappears leaving behind thisfreaking epitome of awkwardness? The blushing idiot Byun Baekhyun?

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