Chapter 10

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This is so weird, thought Baekhyun to himself, as he hesitantly took his first step into Chanyeol's office.

So weird.

This was the first time ever he was in this office completely by himself. Ever. Before today, it was either Jongin accompanying Baekhyun in there, chatting casually, or Chanyeol already sat in the room. But today, Chanyeol was gone - he was meeting some company sponsors and, of course, in place of Jongin, who had taken a leave from work for a few days. And so like that, Baekhyun was left here all alone. Which he wasn't very pleased with, but oh well.

With worry etched into his brown eyes, Baekhyun gently closed the door behind his back, and leaned on it, letting out a heavy sigh. These two days have been some difficult ones for him, honestly. They were difficult for everyone. For Jongin and Chanyeol, especially.

A minute of tired leaning onto the door, and Baekhyun forced himself to finally take a seat behind his table, unconsciously eyeing the empty chair that was supposed to be occupied by the taller male. Strangely and quite pitifully, Baekhyun was already missing Chanyeol's presence there. Missing the sound of his pen scribbling notes in the neatly filled calendar, his silent, cute sighs and steady, calming breathing. The shorter male had already gotten used to all those sounds that the other unconsciously made, and without them sounding in the room, being there just wasn't the same. It was strange, unfamiliar, and Baekhyun didn't want it to continue more than it already had.

He wanted Chanyeol to be back here, with him. And the sooner, the better.

Thinking like that for a while, Baekhyun sat there, sometimes trying to think up things for the advertisement plans, or more like scribble random sentences onto the paper mindlessly. His thoughts kept wondering round and round from Jongin to Chanyeol continuously, like a clock hand, only moving in the same circle. No matter how hard he tried, Baekhyun just couldn't make himself think about anything else.

Suddenly, the door of Chanyeol's office flinged open, and Baekhyun flinched in startle. With a slight hope of seeing the one he was waiting for, he turned to look at the visitor curiously.

Unfortunately, that wasn't Chanyeol. It was a middle-aged man, whom Baekhyun had never seen before. Quite tall, he would say, much taller than Baekhyun himself was for sure. And obviously, way richer than he was. The man's hair was clearly long absent of color already, but still coiffed to the both sides of his head perfectly. The unknown man wore a raven black suit, clearly made from an expensive material, and a pair of silver glasses were in charge of covering his dark, unreadable eyes.

"Where is he?" without even a greeting of some sort, the man asked bluntly, and stared at Baekhyun in wait of an immediate answer.

Needless to say, that kind of 'manners' left Baekhyun quite speechless.

"General manager is in a meeting right now." he answered politely, as he stood up from his chair, and looked at the visitor. "Do you want to leave a message?"

The man just looked at him, as if Baekhyun's question was completely dumb.

"Who are you?" he just asked, eyebrows raised.

Clearly not planning to bother answering Baekhyun's question. Fine, thought he.

"I'm Byun Baekhyun, sir." Baekhyun responded, holding back the irritation filled wish to change the last word to something less...formal. "Would you mind telling me who you are, though?"

"This kid thinks he's funny." the elder man scoffed at him, and ran his fingers through his silver coloured hair. Clearly irritated with something. "Listen, don't waste my time with your stupid questions, and tell me, when the loser of my son is going to be here. I need to talk to him, and I need to do it fast."

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