Chapter 16

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Jongin really wanted to say that he was doing his work diligently that day. Really.

He wanted to say, that he was working the whole remaining afternoon after the meeting like he was supposed to, which meant absolutely no slacking off, no breaks, and full concentration on the things that had to be done. Which, in fact, was quite a lot; a thousand of papers to read through, dozen of phone calls to make and also quite a bunch of meetings with other managers to be arranged. It was a busy time for Jongin, after the days off he took, and, more importantly, PKO's scandal.

But no matter how hard he tried, Jongin just couldn't concentrate on it.

He spent the whole day just waiting, instead. Waiting for the so-called co-workers' night out that Haeun proposed (or more like forced on) them, and desperately hoping, that Kyungsoo will decide to show up. When the smaller left the meeting, it seemed like the chances were small.

Jongin still hoped anyway.

God, the things he felt, seeing the smaller male so close, barely an arm-length away. Sitting just across that freaking table, so so close. It took every tiny bit of Jongin's self-control in order not to just let himself jump from his chair, grab Kyungsoo's hand, and run away with him somewhere far. And then just kiss him, kiss all his worries, anger and despair away, and never lose him again.

But no, he couldn't; Kyungsoo was mad at him. Really mad. So therefore, Jongin had to be patient, and suppress his heart-stopping need to touch and love Kyungsoo until they talk. Really talk their problems out.
So, there he was, waiting for this day to end and for the evening to come. Time seemed to have slowed down, as Jongin sat there, doing nothing

Drank a glass of water.
Answered a call.
Still sat.

As time passed, his thoughts started to scatter unconsciously. He started to think about Kyungsoo, and as always, memories filled his head with vivid images.

First image came up instantly, a bright one from five years ago. It was April, last year in highschool. Kyungsoo is smiling up to him happily with those heart-shaped lips, as Jongin comes to greet him after his class. Kyungsoo tells him he missed him.

And keeps smiling for the rest of the day.

January, same year. Kyungsoo is hugging his waist tightly, as Jongin sneakily zips up his jacket behind the smaller's back, in order to keep the smaller boy warm and close. The latter laughs, calling him an idiot. How could they move, Kyungsoo asks him, if their bodies are literally molded and tied into one? Jongin doesn't know the answer, but he doesn't really care.
He still remembers the sound of their laughter in the snow.

Then February comes up. It's still snowing heavily from the sky, and Kyungsoo stops walking in order to fix up his clothes. Scolding Jongin for forgetting the mittens. That's nothing new - Jongin forgot all the little clothing pieces, if they weren't made by Kyungsoo or absolutely crucial. It was hopeless to try to get him to carry those around if they weren't. And in the end, Kyungsoo ended up making him a pair of mittens, knowing that's the only way to make sure he doesn't forget them ever again. He couldn't stand seeing Jongin's hands get cold, and he knew well - his own handmade mittens are the only cure.
And they were.

Usually, Jongin would have straight up killed anyone who tried to baby him like that. But it was different, when Kyungsoo. was the one doing it. Jongin wanted to be babied, loved, and sometimes even gently scolded by Kyungsoo.
He could do anything he wanted with Jongin, and the latter wouldn't even complain.

"Jongin ah."

Jongin snapped out of his thoughts instantly, looking up at Kibum, who smiled at him.

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