Chapter 7

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Jongin sometimes liked to take the bus to go to work.

Before, it was just something he occasionaly did, mostly out of boredom or when he happened to wake up too early. Just to change his routine up a bit. But then, without Jongin himself fully understanding how, a few months ago taking the bus on every Wednesday morning became sort of a tradition.

Obviously he had a car for the matter of going to work. It would be strange if he wouldn't, having in mind that he was working in one of the wealthiest companies in the entire country. But for Jongin, there just was something about waking up early in the morning and walking to the bus stop by himself. With a cup of hot coffee warming his hands pleasantly, and giving him a tender wake-up call from the morning slumber. There was also something about sitting next to the window, as the bus steadily went along it's way, and just remembering things he didn't want to forget.

Early mornings in a seat of a bus were the best time for Jongin to let his thoughts go back to the past, and relive the memories he longed for. The memories of the time when he was still happy, and had everything and everyone he needed. The beautiful past.

So that one Wednesday morning, with a nice warm caramel macchiato in his hands, Jongin boarded the bus together with other passengers as usually, and picked the seat near the back of the bus. Right beside the foggy window. Composed, he took out his earphones out of his pocket, and absent-mindedly put both pieces into his ears. But Jongin never, on any of those mornings in bus, listened to any music.

Honestly, he just wanted silence, without any distractions and unnecessary background noise, and that was what the earphones served for. To give him silence and sense of calmth.

And like every Wednesday, as soon as the bus took off, Jongin's thoughts were too already gone.

"Careful.. careful.. carefu- for God's sake, Jongin, STOP!"

Panicked Kyungsoo, with the eyes huge as saucers, pulled Jongin back hastily to the middle of the sidewalk.

It was a nice, yet a bit chilly morning, and Jongin as usually was walking him to school. He had proposed to do that about a month ago, and have been doing it diligently ever since.

"What the hell are you doing, prez?!", Jongin instantly protested, disatisfied. How could he be satisfied, when his game was so bluntly interrupted? "I was close to walking ten minutes without losing my balance! And that's a record!"

Sadly, the look on Kyungsoo's face showed openly, how little he cared for that.

"You were also close to falling into the road, and to your death." he informed Jongin seriously, at the same time fixing the straps of his backpack. "Don't you know how dangerous it is to play like that beside the road? It's a one-way ticket to being hit by a car!"


"What is?"

And being stubborn as he was, Jongin really wanted to keep arguing. But something about the way Kyungsoo reprimanded him, and more importantly looked at him, made Jongin change his mind pretty quickly. Kyungsoo was obviously worried.

Instantly, Jongin felt his cheeks warm up at the thought of him, Kim Jongin, being the cause of Kyungsoo worry.

He has been in love with the boy for a while now. And thinking about Kyungsoo, worrying over him, made Jongin's heart quiver violently in his chest, till his head became awfully dizzy, and his stomach filled up with strange flutters.

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