Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Signe Johnson

Author's Note:

I don't own One Piece, I only own my OC (Clarity).


Clarity's POV

I ran back to the house as fast as I could. Master wanted to know about the arrival of pirates as soon as they docked.

"Master, pirates at the North Beach." Master Tore looked at me calmly and spoke,

"Find out what they want and then get them a room at the Voyage Inn. If they show any signs of hostility, bring them down." I nodded and left the room.

I had been with Master for over ten years and each time a pirate crew came it was the same. Find out what they want, make them trust you, kill them. Of course, all of those were easy to do when you were like me. I ran to the North Beach and prepared to meet the pirates.

As a last minute decision, I morphed from my normal 17 year old body into a little girl who the Past-Past Fruit which contained the ability to see the past of whoever she touches. The young girl's pale yellow dress rubbed uncomfortably against the scar on my left shoulder, but I ignored the sensation as I waited as the pirates weighed anchor and threw down the rope ladder.

In my usual body, I had brown, shoulder length hair and amber eyes, but ever since I had eaten the Many- Many Fruit, I could turn into anyone who had a Devil Fruit power. Unfortunately since the power of the Many-Many fruit was larger than most, I found out the hard way that I am prone to electrocution whenever making contact with an electronic device.

The first pirate to reach me was a orange haired girl. I approached her carefully and spoke,

"Excuse me, are you here to hurt the village?" The girl looked surprised, but smiled and said,

"No, we came to get supplies. We've run out of food and we need wood to repair our ship." By then the other pirates had joined her so I stepped back to survey the crew. There were six of them, counting the orange hair girl. At least, that's what I thought until they were joined by one more. The only person in the entire world who could make my stomach leap to my throat. He just had to be on this crew. Zoro.

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